On sale Rhone polo, cheap chinos, affordable chukkas, and some simple retro-inspired accessories.
Chinos Chukkas Polo – Nothing over $100
“Playing the hits” at affordable prices. Average price per piece = $46.41. Full outfit cost is ~$325 including watch, shoes, and sunglasses.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Budget Bond – Splurge, but not luxury brands
Spending a bit more, but not nearly “I got the Mi6 credit card” levels.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Budget Bond – CHEAP
007? More like $0.07. Not that cheap, but the focus is firmly fixed on affordability.
Style Scenario: MilSurp Colors, Smart Casual Civvy Style
Military Surplus meets Smart Casual Civilian. Black and gray, olive and tan. Sharp jacket, suede boots.
Chinos Chukkas Polo: Long Sleeves with a Blazer for Fall / Winter
A cool weather edition of the Chinos Chukkas Polo foundational look. Outerwear included.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Brown, Olive, and Blue (and a jacket for fall)
Classic with a little bit of color for this shoulder season edition.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: A little color, but nothing crazy
Key word: little. Because “teal season” is quickly coming to a close.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Stone, Charcoal, and rich Brown Suede
Hitting some mid-points for price. Also hitting some mid-points for colors.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Cool Grays and Earth Tones
Light and airy for when it’s hot and sticky.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Get The Blues
Blues, classic (cheap) chukkas, and some simple retro-inspired accessories.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Budget Bond – Splurge, but not luxury brands
Spending a bit more, but not nearly “I got the Mi6 credit card” levels.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Budget Bond – CHEAP
007? More like $0.07. Not that cheap, but the focus is firmly fixed on affordability. Average item price is $41.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Cool Color and Rich Suede for fall
Changing weather. Changing colors. Changing tones.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Black and Stone
Not khaki. Not white.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: All Grays (and some brown suede)
A clean, mean, almost black-&-white-TV style dream.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Get The Blues (Navy and Steel)
“‘Cause there ain’t no cure for the summertime blues…” Might as well wear them then.
Chinos, Chukkas, Polo: Black and Tan and Olive
Proving that earthtones can, in fact, look good with black.
Chinos Chukkas Polo: St. Patrick’s Day
The first Chinos Chukkas Polo style scenario of the year.
Style Scenario: Chinos Chukkas Polo – Pink, Burgundy, and Suede
Because it’s not cold and dreary everywhere just yet.