A wise man once asked: “What the hell just happened?” And for good reason. There is value in looking back. It gives us all a good gauge as to what is good, and more importantly, what is not good, going forward. Sure, the “clip show” is mostly a cheap (affordable?) device to create new content out of already published stuff. But it’s also a good way to catch up in case you missed something. So cue the flashback music. Here’s the very best from the month that was…
And that rose to 52% off for cardmembers, if you happen to be one. Across retail codes, promos, and sales have really dried up. There’s demand, but there’s just not a lot of supply (we’ll get to that in a second. keep scrolling). So while F&F is usually 50% off at BR, it was nice to see them get pretty close.
Something changed at Bonobos. Their website now drags from time to time, their marketing has slowed down, and their promos and codes and sales have been almost completely shut off, full stop. But even they got in on the Labor Day sale “thing”. Will they offer another discount between now and Black Friday / Cyber Monday? No idea. Wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t. But (drops needle on Asia record), only time will tell.
Might have to wait a bit for a code, but these were 25% off last week. Wasn’t expecting Macy’s, an authorized retailer, to get a stack of these new “style 60s” watches, let alone put them on sale from time to time. Now if they could just bring the (so far) Japan only black colorway over, then we’d be in business. Review of the blue option coming. So, stand by for that. And yes, you can get your hands on the black option. Details over here.
Pretty sure it took less than 24 hours for these things to go from launch to basically sold-out. Fingers crossed for a restock. I think they might be working on that.
They’re back. And in new colors! Flat out terrific. Picked up one of these on a whim last year and it’s seriously impressive. Japanese fabric is just the right weight while feeling good and strong. Sometimes beanies can look good but then slouch and lose shape. Not these things. Perfect fall/winter hats here, and the price is nice and affordable too.
COVID. Supply chains wobbling. Unpredictable weather. Ships getting stuck in canals. A shift from “service” spending to “goods” spending. It’s a multi-faceted problem for the world economy. And it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. There’s an old saying in domestic air-travel: When “O’hare sneezes, the country gets the flu.” Well, it also now appears that when any factory or shipping service has a hiccup, the supply chain throws up all over itself. (Photo by Hennie Stander on Unsplash.)
Tis the season for camel. And various shades of muted green. And burgundy. Don’t forget burgundy. But what about all the grays? Luckily, we have the next 4-5 months (depending on what the groundhog does) of cold weather to work these four colors in.
You know it’s been a weird few years when arguably one of the best dressed fictional characters of all time starts doing the athleisure thing. Or… maybe he doesn’t and these are nowhere in the movie, and it’s a pure cash grab. The franchise is no stranger to off the big screen moneymaking.
NOPE. Here’s the single stripe alternative from Crown & Buckle for thirty four bucks.
To say Spier is having a stylistically strong fall would be a massive understatement. Lots of pre-orders though. They’re taking email sign ups for notification when some of this stuff goes live. But some of their coats are in and ready to ship.
Tis the season… for cold floors and cold feet. Head here for Adam’s review. Guy was seriously impressed.
Most fun IF you like fall and winter, and all the sweaters, boots, and coats that come with it. Broke it up into three posts this year: Clothes, Shoes & Accessories, and Outerwear.
Stupid Target and their stupid sexy chairs. Back in the summer it was the Callahan mid-century arm chair (which they still haven’t restocked in gray). Now it’s this thing. Reviews are pretty positive, although they do mention that it rides a little lower to the ground than you’d expect. So if you’re taller than average, probably not the chair for you.
Take that, sunset heart hands.
Mostly unrelated joke:
How many Dappered editors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Just one, but ten readers will email him telling him he should bring back the comments section.
For anyone who’s in a creative field, or who has a side hustle, dream, or passion that’s creative (so, that’s basically everyone… from bakers to bass guitar players). From our man Michael who writes The Weekend Reset: “There is no book I’ve read more times, no book I’ve more consistently returned to, than The War of Art. Ostensibly a book to help writers navigate writer’s block, Steven Pressfield’s slim volume, readable cover-to-cover in under two hours, is so much more than that. Written in sparse, simple, poetic language, with some “chapters” only a paragraph long, this is the best work I’ve ever read on how to cultivate your own creativity, a book that gently holds your hand, walks you over to your desk, sits you down, and whispers in your ear: “Do the work.” And its not just for creatives, either; if there’s something you’re dreaming of doing in your life and you need a kick in the pants to get you there, read this. It will change you.”
Heads up that these are in stock and for those that ordered during the big Labor Day sale, they should be arriving soon, if they haven’t already. Full review from Adam coming, but note that they run small: “Initial impressions: damn. These look pretty good. Fit is TIGHT. Overall they ARE recommended but suggest sizing up a half-size. The instep is very low.”
Major props to Ryan for this shot. I would have gone full Carson Wentz.
This month I learned that when a contributor puts a Penn State t-shirt in a style scenario, people start enthusiastically yelling “WE ARE!” at you over social media. I had no idea that was a Penn State thing. And with the decades of watching televised sports under my belt, when confronted with such enthusiasm I’m conditioned to want to respond with “FOX SPORTS!” But maybe that’s where the fox folks got it? They ripped it off from you Penn State people? You folks love your school. I’ll give you that. Hope the Iowa game goes well this weekend.
Feeling Nostalgic? Here’s the archive containing previous editions of Best of the Month that Was.
Nordstrom Rack has new arrivals from the likes of Mont Blanc, Magnanni, and Bruno Magli.
Warm weather, cool weather, upcoming weddings, and watching the upcoming basketball tournaments. Plus an all…
Almost never on sale, and now getting that additional 15% off in your cart. Both…
Dress shirts. Dress shoes. Colorful chronographs. Warm weather sportcoats.
Spring shirts, Italian knit blazers, etc.
One hour less sleep apparently means $63 sportcoats, $31 linen pants, and plenty of new…