Gilt City Deal: Indochino Essential Two Piece, Shirt, and Tie – $339 ($527)
Regular Prices: Suit – $379, Shirt – $99, Tie – $48 Credit to John T. for the style tip via twitter.
Looks like Indochino is getting back into the deal game.
Sort of.
This one is confusing. The main text says this:
At first, you might think you can get a suit for 35% off. That’d make one of their essential suits $246. And that of course includes a $75 credit for retailoring costs. So if you’ve had good luck with Indochino in the past (and yes, it’s more than clear that many have NOT had good luck with them) you’d be basically looking at a suit with high arm holes and minimal shoulder padding for $175 – $200 off the rack and before you get it tailored to your exact specs.
But that’s not the deal. At all. You have to buy the package that they’re selling. Which is a suit, plus a shirt and tie. Which many of us don’t have any desire for. It’s more of a $40-off-a-suit-plus-free-shirt-and-tie deal than anything.
If you’ve got any experience with Indochino shirting, leave it below in the comments. Because I’ve got none. But for $100 a shirt, we’re talking made-in-the-USA Ratio Shirt prices. So that seems a little high. And while their ties sure look nice, the one they included in their suit accessories kit awhile back felt awfully flimsy. But it’s worth looking at a combination before writing the deal off. Here’s one potential example of what the deal could buy for $339:
The Suit: Essential Gray Wool Suit (reg. $379)

Most American men think they should own either a black or charcoal suit. The style community favors navy. If you don’t have a lighter gray yet, this lighter shade should be near the top of your list when it comes to making the next addition to your suit collection.
The Shirt: The Consultant Navy Blue Gingham (reg. $99)

If they’re going to throw in a shirt, might as well make it a pattern that’s not the easiest to come across. Sure there’s navy gingham shirts out there, but they’re not as ubiquitous as solid white dress shirts. Go with the oddball here.
The Tie: Black Silk Knit (reg. $39)

Wearing a traditional shiny silk knit tie on top of the more casual gingham shirt might work, but the best play with a more casual shirt like this is to take the dressed up feel of your tie down a few notches. That’s where a solid knit comes in. All together it should make for a not too bad late in the week office or after work happy hour getup.
The Deal’s Grade: C
Ehhh. It’s disappointing that they weren’t doing a 35% off one suit deal. Maybe that’s just not possible with costs rising, but even a 20% off deal would be better than the extra shirt and tie for many of us. It has this odd feel of the shirt and tie being throwaways. Bait. Premium floor mats with a new car. And while the audience is split on whether or not they like Indochino’s suiting, the number of people who actively seek out their shirts and ties seems to be much lower than those who like their suits. So no thanks on this end. And you? Leave your grade below.