Keeping it Simple: Cuff Links in Every Price Range
They’re cuff links, not Christmas ornaments. Not too many men on the sprite side of 50 wear french cuff shirts with regularity (not to say they aren’t out there), so if you do find an occasion to sport a shirt that requires links? Keep em’ simple. It’s not best to take the opportunity as license to wear symbols of your favorite hobby on your wrists.
It’s very much wedding season and a lot of you are headed to night-time soirees. Your dates will be dressed up and despite the day time temps, you’ll be wearing a well fitting, favorite dark suit. If you want to go that extra french-cuff mile, these are worth considering:
1. The Dirt Cheap: The Tie Bar Silver Brackets – $20.00 has been featured in GQ (numerous times) and is the go-to for many a guy when it comes to cheap neck-wear. Most of their ties run $15 and goodness do they have variety. No surprise then that they make a pair of amazingly simple, silver tone brackets for a wallet friendly $20.
2. Still Affordable: Johnston & Murphy Silver Knots – $45.00

More on traditional silk/fabric/thread/cord knots in a second, but metal knots aren’t a bad way to go for dressed up events. They’re not gigantic edged rectangles, won’t weigh you down, and won’t get in your way.
3. Not real affordable: Hugo Boss Waldon Cuff Links – $90.00

Stand out quietly right? Still not clunky like big honkin’ squares, with just enough depth by way of the barber pole twist texture.
4. Up there: Brooks Brothers Snapper Cuff Links – $123.75 ($165)

Terrific engraving and it’s hard not to love the snap on design inspired by links from the 1920s. Recently featured over here, as part of the ongoing Brooks Brothers sale.
5. Someone’s inheritance: Tiffany & Co. 1837 Cuff Links – $275.00

Sterling silver with perfect, slightly curved edges, and the stamped Tiffany mark. One of those things your kids would love for you to hand down to them while you were alive, but they’ll have to pry these off your cold dead wrists.
6. The Wildcards: Brooks Brothers Knot Cuff Links – $6.75

You can probably find knot cuff links for cheaper than $6.75, just make sure you trust the source you’re handing your credit card information over too. Keep an eye out on Giltman for a great set of 15 for around $30. Now that it’s hot, you don’t want to be wearing anything real shined up while the sun in blazing. So for your summer suits to early evening weddings? Go with simple knots instead. French cuff shirts are a dressed up option that not many men reach for. And that’s fine. So the more relaxed knots are more than acceptable in plenty of situations.
Your thoughts on cuff links in general? Do you wear them? Or are they too stuffy? Leave your thoughts below. And for goodness sakes, if your soon to be in-laws give you cuff links for your wedding day? Wear em’.