Macy’s Men’s Private Sale – May 19 – 22
Extra 25% off $100 or more with code PRIVATE or Printable in-store savings pass. Credit to Greg for the early heads up on this via Style Tip.
Better than a One Day Sale? Depends. If you’re spending more than $100 then yes, since that’s when an extra 25% off gets discounted with the online code PRIVATE or with the in-store savings pass. $100 is a chunk so it’s a good but not great sale for lesser purchases. But if you’re in the market for a new suit, sportcoat, or shoes? Then this is about as good as you’ll find. Shipping is free over $100. Know that in-store pricing & selection may differ from the web.
Bar III Dark Blue Pindot Suit – $209.99
(reg. $495.00)

Just a guess here, but while Alfani RED and the Hilfiger Trim fit suits might dip below $200 during a big sale like this, I’m thinking it’ll be rare to see the new Macy’s House brand Bar III ever get under the $200 mark. So this is about as affordable as they’ll get. $200 is good for a decent suit. Word is these are better than decent.
UPDATE: These look to only be available in 42s. Which… stinks. (Unless you’re a 42s and need a blue pindot suit). Thanks to Scott for pointing out the error on our part.
Hugo BOSS Hankie Wingtip – $168.75 (reg. $225.00)

Yep. Code works on shoe purchases over $100 too. Which these Hugo Boss wingtips most certainly are. In-store shoe selection can be iffy at best. Ships free since it’s over $100.
Hilfiger Trim Fit Tuxedo Jacket & Matching Pant – $213.74 (reg. $525)

Wedding season is almost here. Maybe you’re getting married, maybe you’re attending a black tie affair. Renting a tux can get expensive. Not $213 expensive, but after tailoring you’ll actually look great in this. It’s hard to look even close to good (forget about great) in a rental. Want a cheap peak lapel? Alfani RED has those too.
Johnston and Murphy Brennan Wingtip Nubuck – $97.50
(reg. $130)

Five color options, under $100 with the code, and since the pre-code purchase price determines free shipping, they get to your place for no extra cost. Full review here.
Hugo Boss Passolini Suit – $596.25 | Tuxedo – $596.25 (both reg. $795)

On the higher end of the cost spectrum but well appreciated by many a guy who wears suits every day to the office. Rarely if ever on sale. The Tux is for the peak lapel guys who want to splurge a bit on quality.
INC Grey Linen-Cotton Suit Jacket
& Matching Pant – $97.11 TOTAL
(reg. $149.00)

Online the Jacket says nothing about cotton, while the pants mention a “subtle dose of shine.” Both are incorrect. There’s not really any shine to these. Just a very light speckling to the mixed fabric which isn’t bad. Each piece is a 52/48% cotton/linen mix which makes these more sturdy than this other linen blend INC. Runs big and will need to be tailored. For $100 it now takes the top spot in our Summer Suit Search for the Ultra Cheap category.
Sebago Tremont Chukka – $101.25
(reg. $135)

It’s getting a little warm for boots, but come fall you’ll be reaching for something similar to these. Not as schlumpy as the Clark’s desert boot, and if they’re like other Sebago shoes, they’ll be well made & crazy comfortable.
The INC Slim Fit Ultra Light Blazers – $29.99 – ??? (reg. $59.00)

Who knows what these are going to be going for in the Macy’s store near you. But you can forget about finding anything other than double-XL online. More patterns/colors are available in store too. Might want to grab your smartphone or print out the page with the price on it in case your Macy’s (not all will do this) are willing to price match.
Timberland Earthkeepers 6″ Side Zip – $89.99
(reg. $160)

Timberland’s new version of the 6″ side zip replaces the all leather upper with canvas side panels. That doesn’t please everyone but some like the new look. And those that like it should like the now $90 price tag.
Tallia Orange Check Houndstooth Sportcoat in red – $127.49
(reg. $250.00)

First discovered during a recent One Day Sale. Kinda loud for a lot of us, but plenty of you expressed interest. Was $150 during the O.D.S. Now under $130 and ships free.
The Macy’s Private Men’s Sale and extra 25% off $100 code PRIVATE ends/expires Sunday.