Thread: Microscope OCBD revelations
So long story short, i’m a mechanical engineer….
A few months back I went on a big hunt to figure out which OCBD is the best, and went through maybe ten different types. I have good news on the hunt too, I really have a strong preference for the current Brooks Brothers one, and believe it or not the Lands End supima hyde park needs-irons are great too. Anyhow, now that I have a bunch of them floating around, I have been trying to analyze, as engineering types do, why they are the way they are.
I do a lot of work with miniature parts, so I have a lot of magnifying tools available to me. I figured I would post some of the pictures (& observations) of my investigation…….
‘ Evan Parker
Just a few samples of different close ups Evan provided.
He analyzes the differences in each, and how that translates to how a shirt looks & feels.
NOTE: You’ll want to head on over to Threads to see the full size shots, Evan’s analysis of different kinds of OCBDs, which ones he prefers, and why. It’s really something else.
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