WUT? I feel so sheltered. And confused.
Editor’s Note: Never heard of this either. From the article: “These photos are just capturing a moment of true fellowship.” Oh come on.
HEADS UP: There might be an issue with body ink and a fully functional Apple watch.
INSTANT REPLAY? This was somewhat unexpected. But as a really smart guy quoted another really smart guy, “the optics were just awful.”
**SPECIAL AUDIO POST HEADER** Because there may come a day when you find yourself in need of one of these.
True story. This is the grill of a totally rad tractor that I got to drive one time. In the snow. And then we shot at targets. Also, there was good whiskey. It was the best day ever.
AH BANANAS: This explains more than I care to admit. (scratches ass)
GERMAN ENGINEERING: This seems kind of important. I’m sure someone would helpfully point out the subsequent issues therein, which is to say, I admit that I haven’t worked out the possible side effects yet because I got distracted by a cat video.
Editor’s Note II: “German Federal Minister of Education & Research Johanna Wanka” **cough**
MORNING THUNDER LUMBER: Your body, explained. Which leads directly to this.
LIBERAL ARTS HUMOR: Pretty much exactly.
MUSIC HISTORY OF THE WEEK: This song has been heavy on my mind this week.
AND WITH MONTHS TO SPARE: Jut like that, Halloween is sorted.
Need something else to read?
- Making plans for a weekend getaway?
- And what to wear while you’re getting there.
- I’m just going to leave this right here.
Tim Johnstone is Dappered’s music correspondent as well as our resident gatherer of all things interwebs related. He doesn’t really hate people. Mostly.