What’s Dappered Threads? It’s our forum. Launched in 2011, Threads has become a not too big, not too small, just-right-sized forum that doesn’t put up with snobbery. All thanks to the users and hardworking mods. Once a month, one of the mods from Threads provides us with a highlight package of the last few weeks.
Best Sunday Challenge – St. Patty’s Day Spirit
March 15th’s challenge was simple: wear green. Imaginary bonus points were even offered for incorporating the colors of the Irish flag and drinking Guinness. JBarwick sported a handsome multi-color checked blazer with some lust-worthy Carmina semi-brogues. Both Shomas and Mattface reached for their green gingham shirts, but it was tjyoung who took the victory with a green blazer. His effortless pairing of a bold blazer with a v-neck tee combined with the lovely lady on his arm set him apart of the rest of the pack.
Best Gripe Thread – What bothers you most about online shopping?
Threads members aired their grievances against online shopping. Responses included costly returns, lack of measurements, and vague information. For some of us, the hardest part is the waiting. Shomas (justifiably) bemoans the use of UPS Surepost/FedEx Smartpost. What could be worse than entrusting your goods to one mail carrier? Entrusting them to two.
Best Thrift Find – Brioni Checked Blazer
As usual, there were some great thrift finds this month including Allen Edmonds suede single monks and a Canali suit for $4. But cotoks’s blue, beige, and yellow checked Brioni blazer takes the cake. Found just in time for spring.
Best Poll – How many watches do you own?
Our resident watch aficionados have shared their watch collections. Rolexes, Seikos, Orients and more. Read this thread with caution. Timepieces are an expensive addiction.
Best Investigation – Has Charles Tyrwhitt changed their fits?
Upon receiving an order of new shirts from Charles Tyrwhitt, dropscu realized that something was amiss. These shirts were much slimmer-fitting than shirts of the same size and fit ordered from CT in the past. Turns out the fits have indeed changed, especially on their Extra Slim Fit. Shirt Detective graphed the chest & waist sizes versus the neck size for each of CT’s fits (Classic, Slim, Extra Slim). On smaller shirts (15.5″ neck and below), chest and waist sizes have been slimmed down by around 2″. Buyer beware. Check out their comparison here.
Want more? Head on over to Threads and take a spin around. Many thanks to moderator bjmcgeever for assembling this month’s Best of Threads.