Nordstrom 1/2 Yearly for Men: December 2012
Unlike the fall-preview Anniversary Sale in July, Nordstrom’s Half-Yearly Sale for Men is more of a clearance. It’s less of next season preview, and more clearing the decks of winter goods. BUT… with the selection (almost 7,600 items), free shipping & returns, and the fact that we’ve just started winter, the Half-Yearly is still a top sale that’s worth paying attention to.
Note that since it’s a bit of a clearance, size selection can be all over the place. Only items with at least a decent range of common sizes (at post time) are seen below.
Allen Edmonds Clifton – $199.90 ($295)

An incredibly versatile pair of Allen Edmonds for under $200. Not bad Nordstrom. The perforated cap toe keeps them out of the totally plain brown shoe camp, but you could still wear these with jeans. Note: If you’re looking for more on-sale Allen Edmonds, it might be worth dropping by the post-holiday clearance at Allen
Magnanni Carmelo Monkstrap – $219.90 ($335)

Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, there’s these. Magnanni could do themselves a favor by rounding off their toes a little more and limiting the elongation. Great looking shoes overall, but they’re getting awfully close to that spear-like territory many avoid. Made in Spain.
Nordstrom Cedar Shoe Trees – $14.90 ($19.95)

Fifteen bucks and you don’t have to leave the house? Aaaabsolutely.
John W. Nordstrom Trim Fit Dress Shirt – $52.90 ($79.50)

A sturdy, “best-shirt-I’ve-got” shirt for plenty a closet. 100% Egyptian cotton with a bit of texture cut in a trimmer fit. Sleek French placket on these.
John W. Nordstrom Cashmere Solid Scarf – $69.90 ($98.50)

Cheap cashmere can go to hell pretty quickly, so sticking with a better respected brand/source like Nordstrom and their higher end John W. Nordstrom line might be a better bet. Navy and grey here, black and red here. Might want to check out the faint chalk stripe in grey here.
1901 Trim Fit Cashmere V-Neck – $77.05 ($115)

Speaking of “cheap” cashmere. It’s not jcp cashmere cheap, but at under $80 it’s in a hard to find mid-range. Plus it claims a trim fit. Tons of colors, lots of sizes… worth a shot if you’re a cashmere fan? Also available in crew neck form.
Polo RL Quilted Gloves – $58.96 ($88.00)

This year’s version of the popular quilted RL glove. Lined in wool. There is a smooth, non-quilt stitch option going for less over on the RL site. Also available in black.
Brooks Brothers Wool Baseball Sweater – $59.96 ($89.50)

Looks like it should have major potential, but be warned: This is a regular fit. Regular fit sweaters from Brooks Brothers can fit super-boxy. Might be worth taking a shot at sizing down and using the free returns if you have to? Also available in a hunter green / charcoal color combination.
1901 Carson Grey Bucks – $66.96 ($99.95)

A basic, grey nubuck shoe for cheap. Hard to go wrong there. From the Nordstrom house brand 1901. Also available in some saddle color combos if that’s more your thing.
Dockers Alpha Khakis – $39.53 ($59)

Not your Dad’s Dockers… unless… your Dad was into distance running or something. Lean in fit. Five different colors to choose from. One of those items that if you’ve been on the fence about trying… well at least they ship & return free.
Scotch & Soda Wax Cotton Field Jacket – $132.49 ($265)

Frames up differently compared to other field jackets thanks to that lower back adjustable belt. Waxed cotton exterior, corduroy lined collar, and a hood that stows away. Nothing smaller than large at post time.
1901 Trim Fit Dress Shirt – $33.16 ($49.50)

One of Nordstrom’s younger leaning house brands. Looks a little smaller in the collar than a standard trim fit dress shirt, but if you like it lean, then these might be a good bet. Comes in neck & sleeve measurements.
1901 Striped Trim Fit Dress Shirt – $33.16 ($49.50)

And now in a nice double stripe. Three shade options, but the light blue is the safest/easiest to wear thanks to the stripes not being too aggressive in contrast against the body of the shirt.
Cole Haan Air Garrett Cap Toe – $129.90 ($198)

Hard not to like. Affordable, simple, and lines that are neither too modern nor stuffy and old.
Allen Edmonds Strand in Black – $229.90 ($335)

OR… there’s these.
Topman Cotton Trench – $79.90 ($150)

This sale is littered with Topman stuff. For those that are unaware, Topman is a British brand that seems to mostly project a feeling of “kick my ass and take my lunch money.” But this jacket might be an exception. Yes, there’s a lot going on with the gun flap, buttons, epaulets, sleeve tabs, etc… and the collar isn’t a traditional bomber style but instead very harrington-like… but for eighty bucks, if you’re looking to dive into the trench waters and don’t want a khaki color…
Lacoste ‘Concours’ Tassel Drivers – $89.98 ($150)

A lean driver with the classic textured nubs on the heel for grip, finished off with a couple of tassels on top. Lacoste certainly likes their croc logo (while some can’t stand it) and this time it’s on the exterior heel. Meanwhile, for something a little more subtle, the Cole Haan penny strap driver is on sale too, but know some have complained in the reviews about the leather at the toe failing after a few months.
Cullen89 Trim Fit Merino Sweaters in Block or Stripes – $44.75 ($89.50)

The cure for the common crew neck sweater? Well reviewed, merino wool, and the blocked sweater looks like it has some real potential. Size selection is a little scattered.
Bosca Leather Money Clip – $20.10 ($30.00)

Just a simple, brown leather money clip. Not a bad (cheap) investment if you got a card case this year.
Original Penguin Bernardo Thermal – $39.53 ($59)

Easily one of the best looking thermals out there. Know that it’s thicker than you’d think. It’s no wimpy, thin thing. It’s got some depth to the fabric and feels more like a crew than a long-sleeve t-shirt. But it fits nice and trim at the sides and is cut great for guys with some shoulders on them. Cotton poly blend.
John W. Nordstrom Deerskin Drivers – $46.56 ($69.50)

Who got a sports car for CHRISTMAS?!?!?!? Huh? Nobody? Well that’s probably for the best. At least you can score the gloves. Now for under $50, deerskin, and lots of sizes.
Polo RL Wool/Nylon/Cashmere Scarf – $40.20 ($60)

Lots of guys look at a cream colored ribbed scarf and think: “feminine.” Others see that combo as a bit of luxury. Totally up to you and there’s an argument to be made either way. Logo could have been a lot smaller Ralph.
1901 Cotton Waistcoat – $39.53 ($59.00)

Vests/waistcoats aren’t for everyone. No view of the backside, but the description says it’s a “contrast woven-chambray back.” So that might be good news. No lapels keep it streamlined.
The Socks: Lorenzo Uomo – $8.37, C.H – $8.37, Brooks Bros. – $9.71

Ah socks. The ultimate disappointment present for kids. If you told a certain 8-bit NES coveting child way back when that one day he’d actually have his interest peaked by socks… he would have chucked his Excitebike cartridge at your head. But we all need em’. And most of us don’t want go running around town this time of year to find a couple of go-to pairs. All of these balance that bold-sock trend with some subtlety (well, the polka dots… ). The Lorenzo Uomo are made in Italy, with the other two pairs imported. A few other color options for each, but we could all use more navy socks. Free shipping, even on these.
The 2-Packs: Polo RL Rugby Stripe & Solid or Argyle & Solid – $13.50

The balanced approach. One with a noticeable pattern, the other solid. Two color options available on each.
Calibrate Cotton/Cashmere V-Neck Sweater – $46.56 ($69.50)

Calibrate is an in-house Nordstrom brand that leans younger and trimmer without going overboard. Cotton/cashmere v-necks can usually be had for cheaper at other places, but if you’re loyal to Nordstrom and have had success with the Calibrate line, then it might be worth a look.
Martin Dingman Yale Belt – $33.16 ($49.50)

Canvas and bridle leather, four color options, and a double row of contrast stitching up front. Big fan of the olive option. Not totally sure on the buckle.
Calvin Klein Low Rise Briefs 3-Pack – $20.63 ($27.50)

Sexy? Not really. But they’re made in exact waist sizes. That’s key. Because there are plenty of us who are in between sizes, and a small would render us sterile, while a medium cuts the cannon way too loose.
Polo RL Merino Knit Cap – $28.14 ($42.00)

A couple reviews say these run small. So if you’re sporting a big noggin’, skip it.
Lacoste Toboggan Knit Scarf – $60.30 ($90)

Getting up there in price for sure, but if you’re going for that retro look that doesn’t look too odd, then might be worth a glance. One of those items that if it survives this first round of reductions, might be going for much cheaper in late Jan/Feb.
Gitman Woven Tie – $63.65 ($95)

A neckwear splurge, but you’d be hard pressed to find something similar like it elsewear. Made in the USA, lots of visual texture, and that prep thing that plenty like.
Hugo Boss Faino Cufflinks – $83.75 ($125)

Expensive, but why don’t more brands make toned down cufflinks? These cut back on the shine, add a little texture thanks to the crest, and the end result is anything but those gleaming blocks of silver found in most department stores.
Salvatore Ferragamo Cap Toe Derby – $296.98 ($498)

Half a grand for a pair of shoes. Well… that’s what they were going for. $300 ain’t a slouch of a price either.
The Nordstrom half-yearly sale for men usually runs a few weeks. After that, they usually mark down some of what’s left a little further. Know that sizes can sometimes go quick. Shipping & returns, once again, are free.