Brooks Brothers #1 Stripe Slim Knit Tie – $79.50
At $80, you’re best to wait for a sale. But what about that Mad Men-esque blocky set of stripes situated at the dead center of the tie? Those don’t continue all the way down. It’s that mid century retro look of a collection of stripes, and then they stop.
The construction and brand almost guarantees it’ll tie one hell of a knot. And it’ll lay just so, and it’ll feel great, and all those extra good things that come with a tie that’s been made extremely well. But those stripes…
Unless you’re the type who has a more bold than most personal style, it might look a little costumey.
Italian silk, made in the USA.
So would you wear it? Or would you rather stick with a more traditional stripe like the block stripe Italian silk knit from L.E.C. seen below. Currently on sale for just $14.99, and the purple adds just enough character: