J. Crew’s Jack Knows Best – 2011 Men’s Style Resolutions

Forgive me, but I literally don’t know Jack. The one corporate representative who I know that goes by Jack wears a funny hat, has a disproportionally good looking wife (way to go Jack!) and could crush all of your New Year’s Resolutions with just one of his monsterous jumbo jack meals.
Sidenote: I did the math. One $3.99 Jumbo Jack Meal = 1,447 calories and 64 grams of fat. C’mon Jack. A burger AND tacos in one meal? Only if you have a date with a firing squad that afternoon.
This is just a hunch, but the J. Crew Jack doesn’t appear to be the same Jack. The J. Crew Jack appears to be an honest to God real person, offers up all sorts of advice on men’s style through his “Jack knows best” section on J.crew.com, and his latest batch of advice includes style resolutions for 2011. We did some of those too. Click on over and check out J. Crew Jack’s resolutions, then c’mon back this way for yays, nays, perspective, and to leave your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Jack from J. Crew’s 2011 Style Resolutions w/ The Official Dappered Take
1. Take your suits to the tailor even if they fit you – YES. This was kinda #1 on our resolutions list too. But there’s just one picky symantics hair to split. Don’t take your suits to the tailor. Take your suits to your tailor.
2. Dress for the season you’re in – SURE? I don’t quite get what “Jack” is going for here. If he’s trying to reach the dudes who wear Hawaiian shirts & cargo shorts year round, even if it’s snowing, I just don’t think they’re on jcrew.com. Shameless line of the month has got to be this one: “But remember to think ahead too: that lightweight blazer might be sold out if you wait till it gets too hot, so grab it when you see it.” Wow. That’s bold. They’re selling their clothes, we get it. Looks great. But $325?
3. Sport a pocket square every once in awhile – MAYBE. Aside from a plain crisp white pocket square in a suit jacket pocket, pocket squares are something we all work up to. You don’t go from shirt and tie guy to chinos/blazer/pocket square guy overnight. Patience. And don’t force it if you’re just starting out.
4. Take Care of your Shoes with shoe trees – YES. Absolutely. Follow this ACT analogy: Shoe trees are to shoes, as good wide shouldered hangers are to jackets. They extend the life of your shoes immensely.
5. Go back to a simpler time/buy a simple watch – MAYBE. Keep it slim with matching dial/subdial colors and even chronographs (like this one) can be simple & smart. What’s not so smart is charging $200 for a simple watch. when it says TIMEX on the face. (Try these: Skagen Brown Strap – $112 & Bulova Black Strap – $150)
6. Wear a tie, even if you don’t have to. – YES. And despite what some say, you can wear a tie with jeans. Just make sure it’s a knit or wool. Silk with denim can get tricky.
7. Invest in a Tuxedo – NOT NECESSARILY. If you’re gonna need a tux, making the investment is well worth your $250 – $500. The Tommy Hilfiger Trim fit should get the job done for guys who will use it maybe once or twice a year. And it’s often on sale for $225. But don’t splurge on a tux if it’s just going to rot in your closet. Instead invest in a lighter colored summer suit in cotton or a cotton linen blend. That’s something you can wear for the hell of it a few times a month in the spring/summer if you so choose. Can’t do that with a tux.
Agreements? Disagreements? And would you drop $325 on this blazer?