The Guy’s Guide to Shopping – Dappered for Primer Magazine
How to get what you want, at the price you want.
I know what you’re saying: Wait a minute, Joe wants me to click over to another website, again… to read something he wrote?
To quote Danny in Ocean’s 11: “….yeah.” (3:50 – here)
Consider the past week or so the Johnny Appleseedification of the empire. Only without a burlap sack in hand or a tin pot on my head.
That and the people behind Primer Magazine, Effortless Gent, and Art of Manliness all do a tremendous job. If you like what’s going on here, chances are you’ll feel the same way over there. All three of those sites have been especially kind to a relatively young site like this one. So it’s a real pleasure writing for them and sharing an audience.
On to the guide to shopping. Know that I’ve made all the mistakes. Sometimes it took me multiple screw-ups to figure out how to work the system better. So find out when to buy, when to wait, how to maximize your purchase power, and more in the Guy’s Guide to Shopping over at Primer. Plus, this is a great opportunity to share any extra knowledge you have. Add anything you know about the retail system, and how to get precisely what you want at an affordable price in the comments section.
Top photo credit: this guy.