Embrace the return of the Wool Tie

Originally Published 1/13/10
Almost nobody wears Wool ties. Why? It’s a mystery. Wool ties have a lot going for them. They add texture, they can be worn casually, and on a good day in the right thrift store you might be able to find one like this navy Austin Reed that’s pictured above, for around $2.50.
If you work in an office where only the top brass wear a suit every day, these are the right way to dress up, without showing up, your other co-workers. Put one on with an Express 1MX shirt (feel free to leave the collar unbuttoned and loosened just a bit) and you’ll find the perfect balance between: “Hey Boss… I’m tryin‘” and “Hey co-worker, I ain’t tryin’ too hard.”
Layer it with a vest, wear some well fitting cords and dress boots, and you’ve got a great first date taking-her-out-to-a-nice-restaurant outfit.
Sure some of them can be on the thin side, but if you’re wearing it under a sweater or jacket, nobody is going to notice anyway. And if you’re lucky enough to have a cotton summer suit? Don’t forget about it when the weather turns warmer. Wool Ties look ten times better than silk against that not as stiff look of a cotton or cotton-linen jacket and pants.
Don’t want to go digging through the thrift stores?
ASOS has one with bold stripes for $33.99
Amazon has a plain thin black wool tie for 5.99
And Urban Outfitters has a skinny “midnight” option for $19.00