Nordstrom Calibrate Grey Wool & Mohair – $445 | Three Piece Pinstripe Wool – $299.99

Like the Macy’s House brand Alfani RED, Nordstrom’s Calibrate line targets the younger, athletic male who wants a fitted suit off the rack. It’s not an extensive collection yet (just three suits, a few ties, slim fit shirts and few great looking pairs of shoes), and it seems like a bit of an experiment. Sure you could spend a few hundred extra on a BOSS Black, but if these Calibrate suits fit and look in person as great as they appear to online, then why?
The Grey Wool and Mohair could be your go to suit for big days at work, weddings, or upscale nights out. The Three piece pinstripe (no longer available) has a forceful look, but thanks to the stripes which sit close to each other, you won’t look like a mobster in training.
The grey isn’t on sale but $445 isn’t bad at all. At just $300 and 50% off, the pinstripe three-piece is a total steal for anyone looking to add a new suit to their collection with some pattern. Just make sure you have a solid like the grey wool & mohair first…
Looks like the three piece pinstripe is gone…