What exactally is Gilt MANual?
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Looks like there’s a new kid on the men’s style website block. But this time, it’s the guy who owns the candy store who’s telling you which sweet temptations are worthwhile, instead of the juju bee loving pal you hang out with on the playground.
Giltman, is of course… there to sell you stuff. But then again, so are most businesses. (In a way, us too.) Their new clothes/booze/manners site Gilt MANual heads in a different direction. Instead of being what amounts to a high end outlet, they’re now also providing advice on just about everything.
This is another step in the direction of new world branding, which is where businesses aren’t just businesses, but instead authorities in their niche. Y’know how ESPN covers the NFL? Right. But they’re not owned by the NFL. The NFL got smart and realized that they could do a lot of what ESPN does with their own network. Plus, being that they own the NFL network, there’s a new revenue stream, with no risk of criticism of disagreement.
Back to the new site. They’ve partnered up with some serious talent (Michael Williams from A Continuous Lean / Dirk Standen of Style.com), but will it be down to earth? Or will Gilt MANual be another lump in the never ending pile of airhead men’s lifestyle sites? Jury is out on that one. In their introductory letter, the words “badass” and “seersucker” are used in the same breath. Was there some sarcasm? Sure. But still…
First impression is that they’re off to a nice start. Just as long as they don’t start pushing every sale every day, they might be able to walk that line between “I can’t tell if this is the show or the commercials.”