Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should too. But just because everyone else is doing it, and you’re doing it too, and then everyone stops doing it… doesn’t mean you should in turn follow suit. Make sense? I know that sounds like the most confusing after school special ever, but, just trust me on that one.
Here’s three trends that deserve a stay of execution, with arguments from both sides of the aisle.
#1. The Pocket Square – Dockers Cotton Handkerchief 9 pk $12.00

The Prosecution: It’s overplayed. Totally overdone. Esquire has told you to put it away. It’s the suited man’s version of the Von Dutch trucker hat. It’s pointless, completely inspired by the pop culture phenomenon that is Mad Men, and an unnecessary throw back.
The Defense: Not everyone wears them RIGHT. A slim line of white cotton or linen (see above) is still the way to go. A poofy explosion of silk color has never been a good idea. The former is refined, it’s subtle, and it breaks up the long blocks of symmetrical shade in your suit. The Von Dutch trucker hat was about branding. You can make a pocket square from the corner of a bed sheet (Nobody will notice. Trust me. Except maybe your wife). I’ve never even seen Mad Men. I don’t play dress up, I aim to dress well. And it’s not like I’m wearing a fedora and calling women “dames.” It’s a pocket square. Not spats.
#2. Stubble – Remington MB200 Beard Trimmer $25.25

The Prosecution: Why wear better clothes if your face looks like you just got back from a weekend in the mountains? Are you trying to look cool? Tough? Like some sort of rebel in a half windsor? Intentional stubble is about as lame as jeans that were ripped at the factory or a sweatshirt that has been pre-splattered with paint. Shave already.
The Defense: Honest to God I had stubble before stubble was considered cool. I’ve always hated the way my face feels when it’s clean shaven. It feels like airborne crap is sticking to it all day. I keep my neck trimmed up, it’s more than presentable at the office, and unlike faux-worn in clothes, stubble does not produce the illusion of labor. It celebrates a small amount of manly laziness. That, and women on average like it better. No… really.
#3. Wearing a Tie with Jeans – Alfani Red Knit Tie $27.99 | TheTieBar Silk Knit Tie 7.99

The Prosecution: It just looks stupid. Like you got dressed in the dark. Seriously, jeans on the bottom, and an oxford, blazer, and tie on top? Are you indecisive or were you just out of clean clothes?
The Defense: If the jeans are dark and the tie is slim, I guarantee it’ll look better than some microfiber pleated pant Donald Trump wide tie wearing worker bee. You can be casual but still have an elevated level of style. Knit tie, collar buttoned up or loosened, trim blazer and dark wash jeans. It won’t work for every guy, but if you keep everything dark and toned down, it’ll look terrific.
Your turn. Do you have any trends you refuse to give up? Or is it time to put some of these to rest?