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GQ’s well respected Creative Director, Jim Moore, is back from New York’s Fashion week. And he brought with him a list of trends he’s predicting we’ll see in the fall of 2010. Click here for the slides show. Below is our approval or disapproval of the trends.
1. The Corduroy Suit – Nah. Blazer yes, pants, yes, not together. 2. Suspenders – No thanks. Belt works just fine. 3. Wearing a Tuxedo jacket with casual pants like jeans – Ummm… nope. 4. The Novelty Knit Sweater – Why would I want to look like Ralphie from A Christmas Story? An emphatic, “You’ll shoot your eye out“… no. 5. The Jean Jacket – Not as easy to pull off as you’d think. So no. 6. The Three Piece Suit – You better be the boss, or at least buying drinks.
Hell no.
7. Motorcycle Jackets – You better own a bike, or at least buying drinks… 8. The Tweed Suit – Absolutely, 100%, thumbs up. 9. The Waxed Jacket – Yes. 10. Pattern Pile Up – Take a pass on trends that sound like a violent car accident. 11. Dark Khakis – Sure 12. The Down Jacket – Only when used for their functionality.
– What say you? Feedback in the comments section, if you feel so inclined.
– Waxed cotton jacket below from J. Crew. And that’s a yes.
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