Auchentoshan Single Malt Scotch – Around $32.00 for the Entry Level “Classic”
Originally Published 3/26/2010
Y’know what a lot of us hate about Scotch? It tastes like the inside of an old wet barrel. Gin has notes of citrus and Vodka is clean. Even Rum has some recognizable spice to it. Scotch can sometimes taste like burned cardboard.
Which I guess is actually how a lot of good Scotch will taste to an admittedly untrained palate like mine.
But this Scotch, is still good Scotch, (Or so I’m told by Esquire and this Scotch Fanatic) yet it tastes surprisingly sweet. There’s that familiar warmness which will hit your throat, but it’s smooth enough that letting even one ice cube melt in it would seem like a mistake. Even some hardened Scotch drinkers, who swear by that peat and smoky stuff, have reluctantly said that yes, Auchentoshan is absolutely one of their favorites.
Beautiful in color, layered in detail, and still has an accessible taste, it’s a terrific Scotch for both Scotch-connoisseurs and rookies to sit down with. Perfect for an afternoon or evening when you want a long slow drink.