The Heavy – Great Vengeance and Furious Fire | The House That Dirt Built
I’ve never been one for bands that seem to specialize in making others feel bad. Those are the bands that succeed in super melancholy, ultra-contemplative, heart wrenching songs. If art is the ability to invoke emotion, then I absolutely believe that those types of bands are amazing artists… but why someone would choose to put on a CD that makes them feel sad, regretful, and/or nostalgic is beyond me.
Give me a band with swagger. Something that can blow the doors off your place if need be.
The Heavy is that band:
They’re a blend of dirty rock, reggae, blues and soul, with the licks of AC/DC and the energy of James Brown. Their riffs are crazy good, their drummer crushes sure to be sampled beats, and their lead singer has a bizzarely unique voice that hits all the notes (especially the falsettos) and helps carry the hooks.
When they make a movie of your life, at some point, you’ll want the actor playing you to walk into a room to one of their songs:
Pay special mind to “That Kind of Man,” “Dignity,” and “Morning” off Great Vengance and Furious Fire. Their Newer release picks up right where they left off with tracks like “How you Like me Now,” “Sixteen,” and “Long Way from Home.”
There might be a time and place for Radiohead. But if you’re the kind of person who believes that to put in Radiohead’s Amnesiac on a warm sunny day is a borderline crime… then The Heavy is for you.