The 12 Days of Dappered | Pick a Flask
, Any Flask
– $20.00
Seems like as the 12 days of Dappered wind down, we’ve been stuck in a rut suggesting gifts that have to do with booze. No matter though, guys tend to drink. What can you do, y’know?
A flask is one of those extremely personal things that every guy should have. It’s also an incredible gift to give. Because a guy really needs only one flask, and if you give it to him… he’ll think of you every time he uses it. They come in handy when you’re headed to a tailgate, on a long walk and want a drink along the way, or over to a friends house but don’t necessarily want a beer.
That and they come in super handy when you’re out of cash, at a great micro distillery, and you realize you could either pay $5.00 for a snort of this establishment’s rum… OR… your friend who brought his flask to the city’s tree lighting ceremony (which you attended a mere two hours before), happens to have that establishment’s craft rum in said flask. And he can pass it to you under the table. And it just so happens you gave him that flask last year as a Christmas Present. And now your rocks glass is once again full with totally free Rum which you otherwise would have paid a premium for. And you would have, but you’re broke.
Right Tim?
Thanks by the way.
If the guy you’re looking to buy a gift for doesn’t have a flask, yet enjoys a bit of hard liquor now and then… it’s a fantastic gift. Make it unique. Something more than just plain old stainless steel sides. It’s one of those many things that’s nice to have around.
Need More Ideas? Here’s the rest of The 12 Days of Dappered:
12 Days of Dappered Day 1
12 Days of Dappered Day 2
12 Days of Dappered Day 3
12 Days of Dappered Day 4
12 Days of Dappered Day 5
12 Days of Dappered Day 6
12 Days of Dappered Day 7
12 Days of Dappered Day 8
12 Days of Dappered Day 9
12 Days of Dappered Day 10
12 Days of Dappered Day 11
12 Days of Dappered Day 12