Linus Bicycles Roadster Classic – $389.00
Did you ever run downstairs on Christmas morning to find a bicycle sitting by the tree? Were you lucky enough to be that kid? Remember how that felt?
Get that feeling back. Or better yet, make someone else feel that great this holiday season.
Linus makes bicycles that are inspired by the classic, flawless design of French and Italian bikes from the 50s and 60s. Clean lines, curves, leather handgrips, and handlebars that beg you to lay your eyes on them.
Featured in the T Magazine Gift Giving Guide, Linus bikes are made in the USA. Your color choices are cream, black, and metallic blue. These are what bikes are supposed to look like. You say you have a problem with it being a single gear? Why? This isn’t a bicycle you power to work on. This is a bike made for gliding. And lucky you if you get to glide to work every day.