Who put the BPA in my SIGG?
Water is supposed to be good for you. Package it up in Plastic bottles that all seem to end up in the landfill, and maybe it’s not so good for you. Throw some ugly chemicals in the plastic and it gets a LOT less good for you. Enter the stainless steel refillable water bottle. Problems solved right? Well…
The Brand SIGG has a good strong hold on the environmentally conscious hip urban water drinker. It’s the new Nalgene. Turns out that some of their bottles (pre-August-2008) have that ugly ugly chemical BPA in them. Whoops. To their credit they’re offering trade ins. Go ahead and read more about it from Salon… while I re-heat my pizza I brought to work in a glad-ware container. Mmmmmmmmmmm… Leached into Pizza.