Willie to Blondie, Kendrick Lamar to Seether. Fuzzy eyed Oasis to Beer raising North Mississippi Allstars.
Plus new Thor, and the cyclist who's using geometry to gain an advantage.
Speaking of suits... how comfortable is your favorite suit? Miles and miles and miles comfy?
Plus, fighting the scourge that is auto-play videos on websites.
And this year it falls on a Friday.
Plus, so much 'Murica in one little image.
Super fuzz rock to Dolly. Yes, that Dolly. Plus, what should/could have happened with Metallica and Lady Gaga.
It's a nature heavy, positive heavy Dossier this week.
In space, no one can hear you "cheers!"
Plus, who had to accessorize and why, and Cannon in Derp.
"Are you going to loaf around and let them eat up all your pep?"
From John Legend to a true legend, with sprinklings of bluegrass, trip-hop, and a gospel... legend. This playlist is going…
Plus, how your phone is engineered to control your life.
Plus, one more thing to add to the list of things you can't do on concrete.
Plus, the correct pronunciation for .gif. And it's not good.
Spanning from deep production to stripped down. Driving Rock to Dreamy to Hip Hop.
Plus who watches what and who buys what, where.
It's another Holiday .gif-riffic edition of the Weekend Dossier.
Plus the latest way retail is trying to get inside your brain.
Plus, Krampus gets crackin' while Santa lights up.