Aston Martin’s $1.4 Million piece of blistering fast art.
How to pack for the weekend trip
A collection of advice on how to bring all that you’ll need and still not have to check any luggage.
Inexpensive, non-obnoxious, sunglasses
Steve Madden’s not too retro, not too futuristic, inexpensive shades.
An Everyday Watch for under $100
It tells time, it looks good, it costs less than $100.
Retailer Profile
Sierra Trading post is the place to save a boatload of money on your outdoor gear.
The Perfect Hot Day Beer
PBR 16 oz Can – $4.49 for six It’s summer. It’s hot. You need a beer that won’t cost you $8.50 for a six pack. PBR’s 16 oz / 1 pint tall boy cans are perfect. The right amount of beer for those times that you want just a beer… not two… 12 oz sometimes […]
Winter is coming. Buy a scarf
Getting a great deal on a cold weather piece of clothing can happen 12 months out of the year.
Free TV Worth Watching
Believe it not, there are a few free over the air TV programs that are worth watching.
Swim Season is Far from Over
Boardshorts that don’t drop too low and aren’t riding up your rear.
The Best ipod Is Cheap, and Old
Inexpensive, out of date, and better than the rest. That and WAY smaller than the picture right here.
The (Almost) All-Around Everything Oxford
An Oxford Shirt that would be perfect for anything, if it weren’t so good for some things.
Amazon Buys Zappos
Well look who just bought who.
The Leader of the Free World and his choice of jeans.
2010 Chevy Camaro
The 2010 Camaro is out. Is the styling worth the hype?
Learn to Cook. Buy this Book.
Everyday Food | Great Food Fast – 24.95 Women, in what little experience I have, tend to like men who aren’t totally incompetent in the kitchen. In fact, they’ll give a guy points just for trying. Even if he fails miserably, the dinner gets scraped into the trash, and pizza is ordered, the fact that […]
The All Everything Blazer
Gap Unlined Herringbone Blazer – $39.99 There just isn’t anything wrong with an unlined, unstructured, cotton blazer. And to find one on the sale rack at the Gap for under $40.00 is a deal to take advantage of. The Herringbone pattern is extremely faint so, it looks more like just a solid Navy cotton Blazer. […]
Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator
Clear plastic Wine thing-a-ma-jig takes the waiting out of aerating.
The Sub $200 suit. A risk worth taking
Six Rules to avoid making a $200 Mistake. From a guy who’s made a few of them.