What are you going to wear? Sometimes it’s good to look at a few suggestions then add your own tweaks and ideas. That’s what these are for. Every winter, people show out in droves to host or attend a get together to eat, drink, and watch some sports ball. Here’s one suggestion on how to look together yet supportive… IF your favorite corporate Sportsball team hails from “The Paris of the Planes.”

The Shirt: Made in the USA Dallas Texans Long Sleeve T-Shirt – $41.99 ($59.99). Know thy history. Pretty crazy that such a proud sportsball franchise almost became the Chargers of Big D. Bottom line: it’s a great looking, made in the USA tee. Custom printed, so probably won’t get to you in time. For an alternative, there’s this very on-the-nose red short sleeve retro jersey from Guideboat.
The Pants: GAP Slim Canvas Joggers with Gapflex – $17.10 w/ ADDON ($49.50). Word is Captain Patrick and his merry band of sportsball comrades may be going with the all (or mostly) white look on Sunday. That’s bold. If they do, here’s an effective way to rep those white pants at home. And they’re cheap enough that if you dump salsa on your lap (I know I would…) it won’t be that big a deal.
The Brew: Boulevard Brewing Space Camper Red Spectra. A red IPA from the-team-in-red‘s hometown.
The Shoes: adidas Retropy e5 Shoes – $78 ($130). Throwback, casual sneakers with modern cushioning thanks to BOOST midsole. Simple and classic all the same. If they’d had cleats on the bottom, they could pass for something Abner Haynes woulda worn!
The Watch: Seiko 5 Sports SRPE Black – $210.38 w/ SPARKLE ($275). Automatic movement, clean versatile looks, trusted brand. Review (of the gray dial option) can be found here.
The Socks: tiemart Men’s Striped Socks – $12.95. By rule, “lucky socks” should be atrocious.
The Post-Game Wind-Down: Men’s Bath Bombs Pack of 24 – $49.99. Who’s ready for their Jazz Bath?
Editor’s Note: So apparently the term “Sports Ball” gets under the skin of some (not all) sports fans. I’m a relatively serious sports fan myself. It’s pretty much all I watch on TV, and I weirdly know the ESPN schedule block by heart/often know which Sports Center anchors are scheduled when (HI ELLE AND KEVIN MRS. DAPPERED AND I ARE BIG FANS.) Anyway, I don’t quite grasp why hearing “Sports Ball” is so irritating, but know that we’re not slamming people who like watching sports. We’re just using it as a way to (facetiously) describe a certain event/the teams competing in such. Because due to the fact that unexpected letters from legal professionals can be terrifying/expensive, we don’t think we can use the actual term and team names. So yeah. We’ll come up with something else next year. Welcome to Costco, I love you.