What are you What’s yer old man going to wear? Sometimes it’s good to look at a few suggestions then add your own tweaks and ideas. That’s what these are for. No this isn’t some sponsored post by Huckberry. We don’t do sponsored posts. But while scrolling through their just launched Father’s Day gift shop, it was hard not to ignore a few… key pieces the Huckberry folks had included. Granted, overall it’s a pretty cool/contemporary/classic shop. But a few gems certainly stood out as more “Dad” than others. Especially when they’re all combined into one outfit. LET’S ROCK AND ROLL.

The Shirt: Flint and Tinder Duck Paradise Short Sleeve Shirt – $78. Hey what’s brown and sticky? A STICK. Also, this shirt is brown. Parts of it at least. The other parts are tan. Earth tones. He’s gotta wear as many earth tones as he can at once. DUCK CAMO PRINT? Sign him up. If you get a piece of shot in your dinner, you don’t have to do dishes!
The Shorts: Flint and Tinder 365 Shorts – $64. Again. Earth Tones. Shorts season for Pops begins in March, and runs clear up to Halloween. So F&T’s 365 shorts are the business, since he could (in theory) wear them year round.
The Watch: Timex T80 – $65. (*alarm Beeps*). “Ope! Brats are done. Go warsh up, wouldya?”
The Multi-Tool: Leatherman FREE P4 – Multipurpose Plier – $150. Bonus points if he keeps it in a holster on his belt. Never know when he’ll need to de-hook a bass.
The Apron: Flint and Tinder Waxed Apron – $79. For the grill. It’s an apron, but it’s manly. Because it’s waxed canvas, okay? We got ‘dogs we got brats we got Polish we got knockwurst we got Italians we got cheddarwurst we got…
The Shoes: KEEN Newport – $125. Pretty sure they issue new Dads a pair of these in the hospital as they’re handing them the birth certificate.
Editor’s Note: A hearty hand shake and hat tip to all the Dad’s out there who are still putting in the style work post-procreation. People notice. Respect.