Categories: Shoes

How to wear it: J. Crew’s $100 Goodyear Welted Tassel Loafer

J. Crew Kenton Suede Tassel Loafers – $104.99 w/ SUMMERSTYLE

About the shoes: Part of J. Crew’s Goodyear-Welted “Kenton” collection, these things dipped to $75 last Wednesday during their one-day 50% off sale items event. And then they sold out. But, it looks like some stock came back in, and they’re now at $105 with the extra 30% off sale items code SUMMERSTYLE. There’s also a similar, leather-soled version, but it’s really expensive.

There are plenty of tassel loafer options out there. Just keep in mind the great details of Kenton Tassel Loafers when considering others: sleek in shape, a vamp that covers more of your foot than a boat shoe (makes it look trimmer), and decent quality. Also know that these shoes are a complete pain to photograph, and just don’t translate well online. In terms of color, they’re pretty close to the “milkshake” suede of the more expensive option, and not as grey as J. Crew’s site had them appear. Might be the suede, which is nice and rich, that’s messing with the camera.


With Summer’s version of the all-blue outfit

Blue on blue looks great when it’s jeans and a blazer in fall/winter/spring. But for warmer weather, ditch the dark jacket and pair a light blue polo with darker chambray or cotton/linen pants. The all-blues gives your shoes the opportunity to really stand out if they’re on the medium to lighter side, so that works perfectly here.


With grey, white, & beige when it gets real hot

Dandy… Desert Nomad? Look, when it’s friggin’ hot, but you still want (or need?) to wear a jacket of some sort and pants, just punt and go with a light summer suit, or in this case, a bunch of light earth tones. You’d think it’d be too much, but when it’s 95+, it really does work. If it’s too washed out to your eye? Throw on a light blue dress shirt (or polo) instead of the white. More details to come on that Crosby fit, but it’s almost completely unlined, is nice and lightweight, and fits like a Crosby.


With shorts. Yes indeed.

  • Popover: J. Crew Factory Oxford Cloth (sold out)
  • Shorts: Target Merona Oxford Cloth (from last year, color unavailable this year)
  • Belt: Brooks Brothers Ribbon (sold out)
  • Watch: Hamilton (discontinued)
  • Sunglasses: Ray-Ban New Wayfarer – $80ish (but no longer fulfilled by Amazon? odd…)

Hyper Prep. You could just as easily wear a polo too, if you’re not into the pop-over thing. Tassel loafers can lean a little dressy, and this particular pair would look right at home with a summer suit, but some designs can also look fine casually. It’s the red-brick, buck-like sole that makes these more versatile.


With jeans once the sun goes down/weather cools off

Sure, these are mainly a summer shoe. But they can still get some use during transitional times. Worn-in jeans, a not too stiff button down, and an unconstructed sportcoat is an outfit that begs to be worn with some suede shoes or boots. The more summery options, like the tassel loafers, will look great when worn out on a patio at sundown for drinks.



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