FNFBB6 = 25% off at Brooks Brothers
Online “preview” day is today, 5/7. Code & in-store sale expires Saturday 5/11/13.
Despite being a (the) heritage American clothier, Brooks Brothers is a place that many just don’t shop that often. Probably a few times a year for most of us. Their full retail prices are steep. And while the quality is there, a nine hundred dollar suit just ain’t in the cards for many. But when they do run a sale or a solid code like the 25% off FNFBB6 friends and family deal, a spin around their site (or in store) is a good idea.
The exclusions are minimal. They carry plenty of great 3rd party merchandise and have great collaborations. Plus, you can double dip on in their sale section as well as with bulk deals like their three for $225 shirts offer (now 3 for $168.75 w/ the code). So let’s go. No personal invite from the CEO needed.
Mariner Jacket in Olive – $89.40 ($298)

Not bad for a water resistant cotton jacket that was pushing three bills. Marked down. Way down. Just one color left but plenty of sizes (Medium, Large, XL, XXL) at post time. Hood is detachable and snaps on/off. Has a bit of a leather jacket look, even though it’s obviously not leather.
Brooks Brothers Medallion Captoes – $276 ($368)

Awfully close to Strands (and Brooks Brothers does have a partnership with Allen Edmonds). Available in walnut, brown, or black. Goodyear welted and made in the USA.
Allen Edmonds for Brooks Brothers Cap Toes or Contrast Stitch Wingers – $223.50 ($298)

And here’s a pair of more casual options with the actual Allen Edmonds for Brooks Brothers distinction. Wingtips = McTavish, ammiright?
Three Extra Slim Fit Dress Shirts – $168.75 ($225)

Regular price for one shirt is $88. 25% off makes them $66 a pop. But the 25% off code does in fact stack on the buy three for $225 price, which lowers them to $168.75, or $56.25 per shirt. Not cheap, but plenty seem to swear by these things. Lots of styles are up for the three for $225 deal as well.
Piped Jersey Polo – $44.63 ($59.50)

Forty five bucks for one polo. Target’s Mossimo these ain’t. Does look a little bit like the Club Monaco PJ Polo.
Extra Slim Fit OCBDS in Camo Trim or Chambray Collar Stripe – $29.81 ($79.50)

Couple of oddballs from the sale section here. A big warning on the white OCBD with that camo trim: It’s got camo elbow patches. Totally weird? Or something different you can wear casually / layered? Meanwhile, in other OCBD news, the jcp OCBDS are back down to pre-Ron-Johnson-canning prices at $23.99. Hat tip to Andrew for the heads up.
Filson Original Briefcase in Navy – $168.75 ($225)

Yes indeed these are up for the discount. Hard to find the Filson Original at 25% off, let alone in the new shade of navy. (Also available in navy, Filson’s padded computer brief.)
Reversible Madras Barracuda Jacket – $201.00 ($268)

Pretty steep for a light spring/fall jacket, but at least you kinda get a 2 for 1 here. Madras plaid on one side, a medium blue on the other.
Goodyear Welted Suede Bucks – $148.50 ($198)

Might not be as slim in profile as the J. Crew Buck, but these are also Goodyear welted. Lots of colors available, including a baby blue, a brighter green, standard tan and white, and a red.
Milano Fit Double-Breasted Cotton and Linen Sport Coat – $336.00 ($445)

A total reach piece in price (especially price) and style. Pretty dandy for those of us who prefer a more serious, minimal style. But damn. The chopped look actually sort of works here. Cotton/Linen Italian Fabric, unlined, and super-soft construction. Y’know, the kind of thing if you’re hopping off a plane in Monte Carlo.
Suede Tie Driving Mocs – $111.00 ($148)

Lots of potential for just north of a hundred dollars. Been watching and waiting for awhile. This 25% off might be the one to trip the itchy trigger finger.
The Splurge: Regent Fit Two-Button Summer Blazer – $336.00 ($448)

More than most of us would spend on a summer suit. Lighter-weight Italin wool, ticket pocket, and cut in their Regent fit. Half canvas and side vents. Pockets are at a medium, not crazy severe hacking angle. 3/8 lined.
Extra Slim Fit Madras Shirt – $54 + Regent Tartan Trousers – $55.50

What. An. OUTFIT.
The 25% off Brooks Brothers Friends & Family code FNFBB6 expires Saturday 5/7/13.