GOODNEWS = 30% off J. Sale Items
Prepare yourself to be underwhelmed. This has got to be the last of the winter clearance. Pickings. They’re slim. But a few items that with the extra 30% lopped off deserve a quick mention. Plus the code GOODNEWS runs through Friday. And there’s a decent chance that they’ll dump some more stock in the sale section later on this week.
As is almost always the case with these things, despite their graphics, the items don’t have to be on “final” sale to get the discount. But be careful of those that are, since you can’t return those items.
MacAllister Boots in Snuff Suede – $83.99 ($148)

Sizes are going quick, but one of the better shoe deals out there. Made in Italy, a stitched welt that can be re-soled, and a ready-for-jeans stand out snuff color.
Ludlow Point Collar in Medium Gingham – $47.60 ($88.00)

2-Ply cotton, nice substantial looking collar, and a perfect shade of blue. Darts at both sides. Seems like a nice alternative to Nordstrom’s Calibrate option, which has a non-iron finish that some don’t like.
University Coat (regular, tall, slim, thinsulate, etc…) – $90.99 ($255)

Think they’ve had enough of looking at these things for another year? The entire half dozen lineup (tall, insulated, slim, etc…) is marked down to $129.99, and with the extra 30% these coats are now into the double digits. Sizes are a bit scattered across the variations, but lots of normal Medium and Large options lurk in them drop down menus. Looks like these are final sale though.
Authentic Baysweater Peacoat – $104.99 ($255)

Same sort of deal as the University Coat, but with less sizes. Available in tall, thinsulate, tall thinsulate, and plain ol’ regular… but there’s a lot less of these in stock. One of the best pieces J. Crew makes.
Italian Made Knit Tie – $41.65 ($69.50)

Some guys like to splurge on ties. This might be one worth the extra cash that’ll keep you company all through the spring and summer (and maybe right through into fall). Turquoise stripes should stand out even in front of a white shirt. Perfect for a khaki colored summer suit.
Slim Merino Crewneck – $48.65 ($78)

Hard to beat merino wool. This one is in J. Crew’s slimmer cut, which helps the real trim guys avoid all that extra fabric at the sides. Lots of sizes for this true blue shade that’s perfect for the blue-on-blue-on-blue look.
Card Holder in Blaze Orange – $17.49 ($29.50)

Shearling Gloves – $90.99 ($168) | Portolano for J. Crew – $48.99 ($138)

Still plenty of cold nights and early mornings left for glove wear, but those Shearling gloves are going to be way too warm for most of us. Great detail with the interior wrist strap on the Cashmere lined Portolano pair. Sizes are limited on those.
Fox Brothers Chalk Stripe Scarf – $62.99 ($158)

A serious scarf. Made in England. A splurge, but maybe the last one you’ll ever buy.
Danner Vertigo Boots – $181.99 ($320)

Too technical looking? Too expensive with no Gore-Tex? They’re stunners, and they’ve been living in the sale section since the Arthur Administration. Straight outta Oregon. Also available in an Indigo Suede.
The Extra 30% off sale items code GOODNEWS expires Friday 3/15. Think more items will be added?