When did everything get so expensive? It used to be that you could pay full retail for something and not have to promise your first born in exchange. Although it’s getting a little parched, the well of cheap hasn’t run completely dry quite yet. Ten picks, each under ten dollars (shipping not included) follow below.
1. Word. Notebooks – $9.99 for 3

Look a little like Field Notes don’t they? Available in a few different designs, plus you get to pick and choose which three go in your $9.99 package. They’ve also created a system for task management and printed it in the margin of the pages. Nifty. Not going to change the world, but… nifty.
2. Christmas with the Rat Pack – $9.99

There’s just something about The Christmas Song (y’know, chestnuts roasting on an open fire) being sung by… Sammy Davis Jr. Anyway, Dean Martin is the star of the Disc with Baby It’s Cold Outside, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Let it snow. Frank kicks in some of the slower stuff.
3. TheTieBar Navy/Hunter Dark Plaid Pocket Square – $8.00

Black watch style for your breast pocket. Try it with that lighter grey, all-wool blazer that jcp has been selling like hotcakes. Should make for a pretty easy combo with a solid button up and jeans.
4. Big Cube Silicone Ice Cube Trays – $6.96 – $15.95

The cheaper, Tovolo brand option is almost nowhere to be found online, but you can try and find a store nearby that carries them. Otherwise, there’s the spendy Williams Sonoma option. Bigger ice = slower melting, which in turn = more time with a drink that’s not watered down. That, and they look great.
5. Merona “Premium” Dress Socks – $3.59

How… premium can something really get for under four bucks? Regardless, stripes get prime placement and dots get the shaft when it comes to ties and socks. Give these a shot. And with blue being as popular as it is right now, we could all use some more blue socks.
6. Brooks Brothers Rugby Stripe Gloves – $7.90 ($38)

That extra pair you have for when you can’t remember where you stashed your leather gloves. Available through the flash sale site Rue La La, which does require a sign up to join.
7. For your Mailman + UPS/Fed Ex Guy: A gift card to a place on his route

Been mentioned before, but deserves mention again. If you’ve got a good delivery person who’s friendly, places the packages just out of site, and might even have treats on hand for your dog… now’s the time of year to tell them that you appreciate how they handle their business. You might not know their exact route, but find a coffee place or bakery or something that serves up warm treats in the neighborhood, and get him or her a gift card as a thank you.
8. Wigwam Merino Comfort Hiker Socks – $9.98

Far from thin but not insanely bulky either. Perfect for boots this time of year, as well as great for running in if you’re braving the ice and snow. Made in the USA.
9. J. Crew Broken in crew or pocket tee – $6.99 w/ CELEBRATE

With J. Crew these days, when one code expires, another seems to appear. 30% off site wide (except suiting, some 3rd party brands, blah blah blah) with CELEBRATE but free shipping doesn’t kick in until $100. These are nice balance tippers if you happen to be close. Now down to Mossimo prices. 100% cotton. Limited colors, but layering with a brighter shade might be welcome now that we’ve hit the cold dark months.
10. Allen Edmonds Replacement Laces – $3.00 – $5.00

It’s the details, right? Even if you’re hardly the type to walk around with fuchsia shoe laces, swapping out darker brown laces for lighter tan ones on a pair of brown shoes can give almost any brown pair a more casual contrast. Think of the laces on a football. Only on your feet. Right.
Your turn. What’s your favorite recent ultra cheap purchase? Keep it around $10, and leave them all below…