“Fashion is temporary and expensive. Style is timeless and affordable.”
– That box in the upper right hand corner of this website.
Well… that’s kinda right. The thing is, without trends, nothing would really ever become timeless. Sure most trends fizzle and die and get heaped on the pile of hyper-color t-shirts, jackets with fringe, and the faceshelf, but there are other trends that stick around for awhile, or longer. At some point, some dude somewhere wore a trench coat off the battlefield, watches moved from pockets to wrists, somebody wore seersucker, etc…
Thanks to our more connected world, trends catch on faster than ever. And it ain’t just the ladies anymore who are seeing multiple new or revived looks come and go each year.
Keep in mind that just about anything can be pulled off by the right person. That said, what relatively recent “trend” from men’s style has left you scratching your head thinking: “what’s the big deal?” Cast your vote, leave your take in the comments, and write-in votes are welcome down there too. Let’s just keep it respectful and reasoning.