To PJ or not to PJ
At some point, you stopped trick-or-treating. And around that some point, you stopped wearing pajamas.
Or did you?
Pajamas aren’t thought of as inherently childish by all. One of the most “adult” men on the planet lives in his. Yet while many of us have some flannely things called “lounge pants” stashed somewhere for cold mornings, not many prep for bed in the classic matching sets our Grandfathers might have worn.
Or maybe… we do?
There are only four real options for men when they’re ready to sack out. This should show if pajamas are still going strong, dying, or already dead. Cast your vote and leave your take in the comments.

Or… there’s the 19th century approved men’s Night Shirt. Brooks Brother’s still makes these things… for $79.50.
But MONOGRAMMING IS AVAILABLE! Sadly, nightcap not included. Good night, you princes of Maine…