Deal of the Week: Cole Haan Suede Single Monk Strap – $111.90 ($248)

Cole Haan’s full retail markup can be pretty steep. So to find a pair that’s as unique as these at more than $100 off is a steal. Good for jeans, flannel trousers, Friday happy hours and Saturday afternoon football games (watching, not playing in.) Part of the unusually good sale section.
Most Popular Post: Post Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale

This winter’s Nordstrom half-yearly sale for men was a bit of a flop. Not a total flop, but not nearly as good as previous editions. The sadditional markdowns that quietly happen after the half-yearly sale are much, much better. Not only were the previous items that were discounted during the sale marked down further, but there seemed to be a huge influx of awesomely new stuff that hit their sale page at 40 – 50% off. Trim fit cashmere V-necks under $50, Jack Spade leather bags for half off, and some insanely good looking Spanish made oxfords for under $200.
Most Discussed Post: Style Debate – The Tieless Suit
Lots of opinions on this one. Lots. And not many are on the fence. Some guys love it, some guys hate it. But as always, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, or… used it when cross examining a witness in cartoon court.