The end of the year means it’s time to hand out some awards. But calling these “the dappys” would just sound terrible. Instead, we’ll stick with a highly generalized “best of…” strategy, with the very best from the past year being highlighted all this week.
Completely unstructured with no lining, these are barely more than a shirt. And that’s part of why they earned the top spot. Of course you want your go-to sportcoat or blazer to have some structure to it. But when it comes to stepping it up just a little when you don’t have to, these have become a dirt cheap secret weapon.
The price would also dip wildly low when they were still available. At one point it bottomed out at $25. At least three patterns were available (seen below) with the well contoured micro gingham pulling a lot of duty for many of us in the spring and summer. A pair of not quite white chinos, lighter blue shirt, decent loafers and maybe a knit tie could get you on and off a real nice restaurant’s patio while looking just as good as the guy in the chino suit.
One of those items that when you first picked it up off the rack you just weren’t sure. For most of us, it became an unexpected odd-ball favorite once we got it on. Long gone for now, but maybe they’ll return in the spring.
"I like turtles." (on swim trunks.)
In person with the under $70, retro-upper meets future-sole lifestyle sneaker.
A step up from the pajama pants you wore to those 9am western civ lectures...…
Breezy and lightweight. Sold as separates, and the blazers do great with chinos or jeans.…
For when the weather gets good, and stops being so (wait for it) BAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa-d.
One day only. Sneaky snail mail deal + St. Patrick's Day = an extra 33.6%…