Ask A Woman: Is a small amount of back hair a big problem?
If you’ve got a question that needs the female treatment, chances are you’re not the only one who wants to ask it. Beth is our source for the answers. From opinions on men’s style to decoding the sometimes mysterious ways of women, she’ll take on a different question every Thursday. And don’t worry, your identity will be protected too. Click here to get to know Beth, then get in touch with her by sending your question to:
Hi Beth:
I’m developing some back hair. Nothing crazy and nothing forrest like. But I’ve noticed some sprouts shooting up off my shoulders.
I don’t want to get my back waxed or whatever it is guys do to get rid of back hair. But I’m single and looking. How bad is this in the eyes of potential mates?
Thanks for your posts on Dappered.
– Chris
Hi Chris,
Well, Dappered readers, just when you thought we had covered every conceivable issue having to do with body hair…another question pops out of the woodwork! And…another opportunity for a Sex and the City reference! What a red letter day!

One of the joys of aging is the appearance of body hair in places it wasn’t before (or so I’m told–I remain youthful and smooth with each passing year, gaining only wisdom and useful experience to guide those less fortunate). This happens to everyone. Because I feel passionate about upholding journalistic standards here on Ask A Woman, I consulted the foremost medical expert available to find out why this is the case. Unfortunately, WebMD, purveyor of useful medical advice like suggesting you have brain cancer if you’re experiencing a headache, pointed me to an article labeled “Slideshow: Embarrassing Male Body Problems.” Which turns out to be just that–a slideshow of unappetizing pictures, without much explanation of the conditions shown. Super!
After doing some more digging, I found that back hair growth is caused simply by hormones that change as you age. Whether you grow back hair, specifically, seems to be a matter of genetics. If your father grew back hair as he aged, you will, too.
Chris, a couple sprouts of hair on the shoulders are not a deal-breaker. A reasonable, worthy woman is not going to be repulsed by this. So no worries. And I applaud your decision not to wax. Remember what happened to Harry on SATC? Charlotte made him wax his back before going to a pool party. He had a terrible allergic reaction, and when he took off his shirt at the party, his back had broken out into festering red blemishes.
Ick. Ee. Poo.
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