BOSS Black ‘Cenerello’ – $111.90
($225) | To Boot New York ‘Perkins’- $179.90
Heads up: Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale starts 7/15. Might want to get a preview over here.
The string of better-than-good markdowns at Nordstrom continues. First it was their Half-Yearly Sale for Men. Then it was the extra discounts the H.Y.S.F.M. leftovers got. Now, it’s two pairs of black dress wingtips for half off and each has plenty of sizes available. But that’s about where their similarities end…
The case for The BOSS Cenerello: What’s that phrase? Stand out quietly? It’s a minimalist’s wingtip. Barely any stitching and no busy perforations. Sleek as can be. Plus, a leather sole dress lace up with a good looking toe and seemingly trim shape don’t go for just over $100 all that often. Not bad since they ran $225.
The case for To Boot New York’s Perkins: You’ll pay a little more, but you should quickly notice the difference in quality over the alternative from BOSS. Still under $200, but made in Italy by a brand and designer who appreciate classic design and construction, while interpreting them in a way that sheds the dustiness. Closed lacing. Has that meaty wingtip look to them without looking clunky.
Your turn. Make your case and leave a vote for your preferred shoe in the comments below,