J. Crew Timex Andros Watch – $175.00 (Made in the USA Update: No it’s not.)
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Keep it simple. J. Crew excels at that. They also excel at jacking up the price to make you pay for that simplicity.
No doubt about it, it’s a great looking watch. Has plenty of dive influence, some flight dial looking font, and the fact that it was built with the purpose of you buying more of their NATO straps to swap in and out is pretty smart.
BUT $175.00?!?
“…it was inspired by one of the most breathtaking and extraordinary barrier reefs in the world, Andros.”
Well that’s nice. It’s still pushing $200. The thing has a day and date function and the bezel rotates. That’s it. And it costs $25 more than their military inspired watch.
Make no mistake, a watch can get a serious markup on looks alone. But this watch, born from gazing at a barrier reef (c’mon) isn’t that much different than this $23 no namer. You could always take the links off an automatic Invicta Pro Diver
which at $80, is half the price of the J. Crew. There’s also a beefier substitute from Orient for $145.
On the Muytjens-ometer: Three and a quarter heads.
Dammit Muytjens. The substitutes just don’t look quite as clean. A shade past pricey and moving towards ridiculous, this newest collaboration with Timex looks better than good, and as an added bonus it’s made in the U.S. (update: Actually, it clearly says “Import.” Coulda sworn it said USA earlier.) But $175 is almost $200. For a Timex. And that’s real tough to swallow. Almost as tough as that line about the barrier reef.
For past items that faced the Muytjens-ometer, click here.