Macy’s One Day Sale
Picks – July 15 – 16, 2011
As always, it’s incredibly tough to peg when Macy’s will launch a One Day Sale. Sometimes a month and a half will go by between them, sometimes only a few weeks will pass. One thing is certain: These are sales worth paying attention to. The one-day sale prices are some of the best mark downs in the retail industry. Here’s some of the best from the One-Day-Sale which runs Friday July 15 – Saturday July 16th. Items marked with a * are “Web Busters.” In store prices may match up, and may not. Selection on all items (especially shoes) in store can vary greatly.
Tallia Grey Stripe Sportcoat* – $139.99
(reg. $250)

Southern Style for sure and not for everyone. Light in color but long on boldness. Talia usually runs good and trim, but the pics online make the jacket look boxy (he’s also standing with it unbuttoned). Haven’t seen it in store. Ships free, returns free, still a bit of a risk.
Club Room Khaki Slim Fit Suit Jacket
& matching pant
– $164.98* (reg. $350)

One of the first suits tested for the Summer Suit Search. It’s labeled a slim fit, and there’s some contour through the sides, but it still needs serious work by a tailor if you’re athletic or slim. Full review here.
Calvin Klein Carter Textured Laceup – $77.99 (reg. $140)

Surprisingly versatile. The black options look to be completely sold out, but the grey “lead” color and dark brown are still available. Full review on this shoe can be found right over here.
Alfani RED Grey Sharkskin Slim Fit Suit – $199.98* (reg. $450)

Was the same price during the last O.D.S. and not a bad suit for the price. As always, the armholes on Alfani RED suits are just a little too low for most. So know that going in.
Timberland Boat Shoes – $49.99
* (reg. $75.00)

Black and brown can absolutely work together. Timberland’s boat shoes prove it, and $50 isn’t a bad price at all. Sizes are getting limited on these.
Tasso Elba Slim Fit Cotton/Linen Polo – $24.99 ($34.50)

There’s probably one or two too many retro stripes on these, but, give the Macy’s house brand Tasso Elba credit for slimming down the sides and going with a cotton linen blend.
Kenneth Cole First Squad Cap Toe – $109.99 (reg. $138.00)

Shoe hounds won’t be impressed. But if you want a pair of modern, slim black laceups for close to $100 (free shipping too) these are a good option. Yes the toe isn’t perfectly rounded off, but it’s not Frankenstein’s Monster chopped either. Real simple cap toe. Good feeling leather for the price.
Kenneth Cole Reaction Textured Money Clip – $23.99
* (reg. $35.00)

Cheap money clips can be flat out hideous. This is one of the rare exceptions. Textured top, quiet & not easy to notice small logo on the underside. Gets the job down well for a very small investment.
This current Macy’s One Day Sale ends Saturday 7/16. And yes, it sure seems too convenient to be pure coincidence that Macy’s launches their One Day Sales whenever Nordstrom has their own sizable sale.