Endless Select Shoes Summer Sale – No Code needed
The extra 20% off comes off during checkout. Sale expires 7/4/11 UPDATE: So Amazon and Endless are run by the same company. Looks like they’re each doing a 20% off select sale right now and a lot of these shoes are going for less on Amazon. Some of them have the extra 20% taken off during checkout, some are just flat cheaper. Amazon’s free super-saver shipping takes longer, but it’s still free. Links will get you to the cheaper option….
This one is a select items sale, so forget browsing site wide and dumping 20% off any price. Even so, there’s some solid options to consider, but sizes are going unusually fast. Prices on a few favorites have dropped significantly since the last big Endless sale. No code necessary and the extra 20% off gets deducted during checkout.
Romano Martegani Medallion Lace Up – $197.98
(reg. $494.95)

For those that think a whole cut plain oxford is just too… plain. Not a true closed-lacing oxford, but plenty dressed up with the medallion toe. Made in Italy, sizes are a little sparse have become real sparse real quick.
Superga Cuto Classic – $51.96

Featured in Esquire and/or GQ more than a few times, the Superga Cuto is a nice alternative for guys who just don’t like Jack Purcells or PF Flyers. A little shorter in the toe but not as stumpy as some pics online make them look. Originally designed in Italy in… 1925. So yeah, a true classic. Update: Looks like they’re under $40 over at Overstock.com. Credit to John in the comments. Superga Photo Credit
Johnston & Murphy Brennan Nubuck Oxfords – $62.10
(reg. $129.95)

Credit to reader Michael who noticed these were going for extra cheap on Amazon. Ridiculously comfortable. Full review over here. Available in grey, navy, red, taupe, and white. Prices are a bit scattered depending on which color you’re after.
Gordon Rush Ashburn – $90.00
(reg. $225.00)

These have shown up on Endless before, and again, it’s fair to mention that they can be stiff. There’s a pair in my closet which I wear on occasion, and they’ve got a great shape with a basic no nonsense look to them. Won’t flip a a shoe aficionado’s skirt, but for guys who need a black basic lace-up, worth a look at $90.
A. Testoni Loafer – $158.40
(reg. $495.00)

Aside from the “other” benefits that come with having big feet… you also have the option to pick up a pair of these. Only size 11, 12, and 13 available. Perfect toe, and that wingtip stitch is somethin’.
Gordon Rush Montgomery Penny Loafer – $90.00
(reg. $225)

Meanwhile, back in the affordable for most range… these were going for $180 not that long ago. Now under $100. Nice slightly elongated toe. Made in China and as always with Gordon Rush, could be a little stiff at first.
Bass Amsterdam Chelsea Boot – $25.28
(reg. $79.00)

Cheapest Chelsea ever? Can’t remember the last time a seemingly decent looking shoe got under $50. Let alone $25 that ships free. This one doesn’t make sense. Even stranger, three people on Endless have rated them 4/5 stars (but on Amazon, someone says they smell of Paint Thinner). Got a pair on the way to the home offices for an in-person. Stay tuned for a hands on review. Risky at best for right now.
Florsheim Pellston Zip Boot – $63.95
(reg. $170.00)

Meanwhile, a safer play has to be this Florsheim side zip. Part of their Imperial line so they’re already a step up on the quality scale. Leather sole. Only available in black. Some wide sizes available too.
The Endless select items summer sale expires on the 7/4. UPDATE: Amazon too. What a cluster.