Macy’s One Day Sale Picks – December 21 – 22, 2010
As always, it’s incredibly tough to peg when Macy’s will launch a One Day Sale. Sometimes a month and a half will go by between them, sometimes only a few weeks will pass. One thing is certain: These are sales worth paying attention to. The one-day sale prices are some of the best mark downs in the retail industry. Here’s some of the best from the One-Day-Sale which runs Tuesday December 21st – Wednesday December 22nd. Know that we’ve only picked items with a wide range of sizes.
**NOTE: Macy’s just had a one day sale a few weeks back. Pickins’ are slim on this one.
Tommy Hilfiger Trim Fit Tuxedo – $224.98 (reg. $525)

Just a reminder guys. If you’ve got some black tie New Year’s Eve thing coming up, now’s the time to buy the tux so you can have it tailored. See our black tie rundown for the full details.
Alfani Double Gored Plain Toe Boot – $59.99 (reg. $99.99)

Could it be that the Macy’s house brand Alfani is finally getting a clue and embracing the less is more attitude for shoes? For the last two years, almost all of their shoes have been terrible. But this boot might signify a bit of a mid 2000’s renaissance for the brand. A few years back I picked up what could be an almost identical pair from Macy’s. Made by Alfani, they had one side zip instead of elastic gore for closure. Plain toe, plain exterior, etc… And the shoe snobs can shout all they want about leather type and construction, but after a few years those boots have only gotten better with age. One can hope the same would hold true for these.
DKNY Straight Leg Rinse Wash – $29.99 (reg. $59.50)

Haven’t tried these on, haven’t even seen them in store, but if they look as good in person as they do online, and they fit decent, then $30 is a great price. Description says: “Raw wash… smart slim fit.” Sounds good for $30.
Michael Kors Dress Shirts: Solid and Striped – $22.99 (reg. $49.50)

These aren’t “fitted” off the rack (or shelf? Out of the plastic bag and once the pins are removed?) so they’ll need some tailoring. But at just over $20 base cost, it’s worth it. These shirts are made well, they iron easy, and they feel indestructible when you put them on.
PF8305 Chronograph Sport – $130.90
(reg. $175)

One mean looking casual/ sport watch. Pulsar is made by Seiko, and their quality is just as good. Ion plated steel case, black leather band with read stitching, and a chronograph.
Victorinox Tri Fold Garment Bag – $159.99 (reg. $335)

If you’re traveling with suits, blazer, or anything else that hangs and can’t be stuffed into a bag, you need a good garment bag. Made by Victorinox, the Tri Fold saves space, interior foam to prevent creases. Comes with a lifetime warranty too.
Guinness Logo 16oz Pint Glasses Set of 4 – $19.99 (reg. $25)

Who knows why, but Guinness really does taste better out of one of these shaped pints. Come to think of it, all other beer tastes better out of one of these too. Placebo? Probably. But you’ll use these all the time.
Totes Gentlemen’s Umbrella – $11.99 (reg. $16)

It’s not often that someone hears “Hey, nice umbrella…” but it’s happened to me before with this one. And for twelve bucks? The only umbrella you’ll ever want or need.
This Macy’s One Day Sale ends Wed. 12/22. Free shipping with $75 Men’s shoe purchase & code: SHOESFS