Land’s End Canvas Summer Sale – 30% off plus free shipping on select items.
USE CODE: July 1 PIN: 2810 (Thanks Ryan… see comments below)
2009 was the year of the J. Crew imitator. Land’s End Canvas had immediate success with J. Crew-like basics for sometimes half the price, while others like L.L. Bean Signature fell a little flat. Like just about everyone else, Land’s End Canvas is making room for their fall line. Their summer sale features 30% of select items and they’ll even pick up the cost on shipping. The only disappointment is it doesn’t appear to be store wide. Just their “summer favorites.” Here are some favorites of their… uh… “favorites.”
Men’s Aviator Shirt – $28.99 (Reg. $39.50)

I was kind of excited when I first saw the Gap Linen Military shirt that’s similar to this one. But when I tried on the Gap version I noticed that the pockets were abhorrently low. That and the linen fabric was just too scratchy. This is cotton twill and the pockets look more normal. Not a bad white (or navy, or gray) summer shirt. And you can always get sunglasses bearing the same name for a ridiculous $50 too.
Beach Pants – $26.99 (Reg. $39.50)

Made for the guy who wants a pair of white summer pants, but 9 times out of ten shys away from dress chinos. These are about as casual as it gets, but could still go well with an unstructured blazer and classic American sneakers. Deep Utility pocket fronts and flap pockets in the back. Can’t really be dressed up but if you can wear that aforementioned blazer and still feel totally casual? These are for you. (Also… try a polo.)
Madras Short – $26.99 (Reg. $39.50)

These were in the favorite four shorts under $40.00 post. Credit to Jason G. for noticing and posting a response on our facebook page. This is as good as madras gets.
Pincord Short: – $28.99 (Reg. $39.50)

Another shorting (is that like “suiting?”) option. And you could wear these with a blazer. There’s also a cargo version. Why? I don’t know. Don’t get those. Get these instead.
Cotton Gingham Necktie – $28.99 (Reg. $39.50)

This is a two season at best tie. But it’s pretty sweet. And still not cheap even with 30% off, but… if you want to stand out in a good way with your neckwear, here’s your best bet.
*One final observation: Give Land’s End Canvas credit. They’ve had a hell of a first year. But would it kill them to make something that’s not Navy, White, taupe, or on sale for $27.50? It’s like they bought four bolts of fabric and just stitched it all up in a different way… (not that I’m actually complaining. Just sayin’.)
**If you are dying for some more color, or cheaper options… try their pocket squares at $6.65 a pop.