Brushclip Bendable Stays – $18 for 8 pair
| Wurkin Stiffs Magnetic Stays – $35 for 3 pair

Almost all dress shirts come with plastic collar stays. That’s a problem because a plastic stay does little to keep your collar from pancaking out and making you look like you just walked off a 70s disco floor. Sure they keep your collar from curling up, but is that really enough?
Brushclip Bendable Collar Stays and Wurkin Stiffs Magnetic Stays
will both keep your collar vertical to varying degrees. The Brushclips are bendable. So if you put a slight curve in them (think hockey stick curve, not St. Louis Arch Curve) they’ll naturally stay upright.
Wurkin stiffs use tiny yet incredibly powerful magnetic buttons to keep your shirt collar at attention. You put the stays in, slide a magnet behind the shirt fabric near your collar bone, and connect the point to the magnet. From there you can adjust with the stay and magnet firmly sticking together.
Two options to keep you & your collar from looking too sloppy.