January's ten, each under seventy five bucks.
Cash is king... and classy. Carry it well.
February's ten, each under seventy five bucks.
Almost $100 off new monks, a new bourbon shade of leather,etc...
Slimming down with card case/money clip combos for
Picks from dirt cheap to 2nd mortgage. In order.
Because it's a good date, and looking like dirt isn't an option.
Answering the "what to wear" question one scenario at a time.
Brooks Brothers launches their half-yearly clearance. Picks inside.
Your shopping for everyone else is done. Now it's your turn...
Only on the weekends, only the best products and posts, only from the Dappered.com archives.
Got a $10 and a $5 in your current money clip? Then you can upgrade to this one.
Only on the weekends, only the best products and posts, only from the Dappered.com archives.
The Macy's One Day Sale has launched, and runs through Saturday July 17th.
Yes this is filed under way too expensive. But... c'mon... it'd be a pretty sweet splurge.
J&M throws their hat in the summer sale ring. Be warned, most of it is still expensive.