
Approaching a Woman at the Gym

Strategies for, y'know, avoiding looking like a creeper.

12 years ago

Should men always pay?

Jonathan's heart isn't broken. But his wallet is.

12 years ago

Is it Fair to Be Friends with an Ex?

Avoid at all costs? Or confront some jealousy?

12 years ago

Tongue Tied in Toledo

Like the George Costanza opposite theory... care... less.

12 years ago

She’s Out of My League

"Alpha" dogs, try not to bark too loudly...

12 years ago

Livin’ at home, livin’ the dream

"Do not, do not, do not lie to potential dates about the truths of your current life."

12 years ago

Flirting 101

"Finally, contrary to popular opinion and practice,flirting should be genuine."

12 years ago

Meeting women is hard, part 12,975

Austin is in the ballpark, but he's stuck in the bullpen.

12 years ago

Younger man, older woman.

"Women who behave this way...are bad news"

12 years ago

All women are evil. Or is it all men are evil?

Beth reminds us to mind the gap... and move on.

12 years ago

Love in the Time of Social Media

A facebook message. Fair? Or cholera for your chances?

12 years ago

Dating, Top Secret Style

When nerd + secrets = job, what's a guy to do?

12 years ago

Does Plus One Equal Wedding Fun?

Mixed signals from her, then she asks you to a wedding.

12 years ago

The 24 Year Old Virgin

Quarter of a century in, and no real dating experience either.

12 years ago

Telling someone the hard truth.

Her friend can't find a date and she knows why. He doesn't...

12 years ago

Facebook, dating, and a de-tag

Apparently, "tagging your date" doesn't mean that anymore.

13 years ago

Finding a woman with class & character

Well, she's passed the eye test...

13 years ago

How to pickup Beth… and other women too.

"Beth, how would you like to be approached?"

13 years ago

The Pre-Date Playlist

Twelve songs to go from getting dressed to your date's door.

13 years ago

The woman approved 21-yr-old casual dating wardrobe

Walking the line between scrub and smart at 21.

13 years ago