MEOW: The operative word here is generally. Your results may vary. But mostly, I totally get it.
WOOF! Meanwhile, your dog is trying to be teacher’s pet and hoping for steak.
SIGN OF THE TIMES: It would seem that a whole bunch of people don’t seem to be able to play well with others.
$#!% HAPPENS: This is really unfortunate.
YEAH, GO WITH THAT: I could never get away with this excuse, but maybe you’ll have better luck.
OH. EM. GEE: Surely this is one of the signs of the apocalypse?
TEAM AMERICA! The sequel. And all because of this. Mostly.
NOT. FOR. ME: Shudders.
THIS SEEMS EXTREME: Anyone else think this might be going a bit too far?
SUPERFLUOUS NOVELTY COMPUTER HARDWARE OF THE WEEK: Because one keystroke is better than two? Because impulse buy? Because of course.
CORPORATE HEADS…are rolling over here. Because, that is just about the worst thing you can have happen in this day and age.
HISTORICAL GO GO GADGET: I am such a nerd for this stuff.
BOTTOMS UP! The science behind cocktails.
WHAT’S. THAT. SMELL? That would be desperation.
BECAUSE I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET...this is relevant to my interests, and maybe yours.
That would appear to be a film with ambitions. But I am a sucker for Peter Pan. Oh, and on the off chance that you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past week, there’s this.
(*cough* *cough*)
Also. Monica Bellucci.
Tim Johnstone is Dappered’s music correspondent as well as our resident gatherer of all things interwebs related. He doesn’t really hate people. Mostly.
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