SIGN OF THE TIMES? This, more than any other article I have run across lately, points out the consequences of income inequality in the post great recession.
NO PIDDY FOR FIDDY? I have probably watched this a hundred times. Never. Gets. Old.
CLEVER BIRD: Nature finds a way. These stories always amaze and amuse.
Thanks to Dossier special correspondent Eric H for bringing this to our attention. My interwebs skillz are not what they were. I can’t believe I haven’t run across these yet. I can’t believe I don’t own a pair. But my birthday is right around the corner.
THIS IS WHY WE’RE FAT: I don’t think this will come to a surprise to those of us who make the effort to eat well. This is not a good thing for us a people.
I AM NOT OK WITH THIS: This seems like changing one’s mind without having to pay the consequences. It feels like cheating for some reason. I’m sure there are some guys out there who can explain why they can do this?
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Oh man. Oh man oh man oh man. Pretty much my most feared virus, that one.
THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE: And it probably isn’t going to be the one you think. Go Miyo, go!
THIS IS REALLY JUST SAD: Sign of the times, part 2. I don’t think it will have been worth it when all is said and done.
BEST FOOTBALL STORY OF THE YEAR: No, the other more popular football.
iHOME? I don’t think I’m ready for this. Although, I’m already using my iPhone as a TV remote so maybe…
Tim Johnstone is Dappered’s music correspondent as well as our resident gatherer of all things interwebs related.
Unconstructed blazers for warm weather. Well designed swim trunks. Back to office trousers.
Nordstrom Rack has new arrivals from the likes of Mont Blanc, Magnanni, and Bruno Magli.
Warm weather, cool weather, upcoming weddings, and watching the upcoming basketball tournaments. Plus an all…
Almost never on sale, and now getting that additional 15% off in your cart. Both…
Dress shirts. Dress shoes. Colorful chronographs. Warm weather sportcoats.
Spring shirts, Italian knit blazers, etc.