Categories: Shoes

How to wear it: Florsheim’s $108 suede single monk

Florsheim Asset Suede Single Monk – $108.00 w/ LNK10 ($120)

Monk straps aren’t for everyone.  They’re a bit of a risk and a lot of pairs are so sleek that dressing them down can be hard to do.  But the Florsheim “Asset” monk in suede has a more traditional width, comes in dark brown, and the single monk straps with a buckle in a muted brass aren’t too showy.  In the end they’re a highly versatile dark brown suede shoe that’s just interesting enough but not crazy different.  And they’re relatively inexpensive at $108 with free shipping.

The current Florsheim suede single monk.  LNK10 gets you 10% off.  They ship free too.

Note that the monks seen below are not the current Asset Suede, but instead the Florsheim single monk from last year.  They look almost identical, but it appears that Florsheim has changed out the insole to a lighter, maybe leather option.  That’d be a solid move on their part.  The black insoles on the old version don’t feel the best when barefoot. Let’s take them for a spin.

Florsheim Asset Monk with Jeans

You’re staying in but it’s still a date night.  Beat up jeans and a hoodie is a cop out.  Something like this is outrageously comfortable but still sharp.  The Florsheim monks do well here because unlike plenty of ultra-trim monks, these aren’t too slim through the sides.  That makes them more casual.  Take an earth-tone sweater like this one in an oatmeal shade (or if you like brighter stuff, try orange), your favorite jeans, and a belt that matches the color of the suede.  A rubber or silicone strap watch helps you keep track of how much time is left on whatever it is you’ve got on the stove, and since the strap isn’t leather of any kind, you won’t be committing a cardinal sin if you don’t match the color.  Also good for heading out somewhere real casual but you want to put some effort in.


Florsheim Asset Monk with a blazer

  • Blazer: Gap Cotton Blazer
  • Shirt: Ratio Ogden Plaid – $98.00
  • Pants: Grey 5-pocket pants by Hickey Freeman
  • Watch: White Dial Chronograph by BCBG (first watch gift from Mrs. Dappered)
  • Belt:  Not shown… but the GAP one should do fine.

Somewhat dressed up, but all of the fabrics and the pattern on the shirt is casual.  Feel free to swap out the plaid for a plain white shirt.  The grey 5-pockets instead of a standard khaki colored chino will keep you looking less country club and more up to date.  If you’re down with the whole blue on blue thing, dark wash jeans would absolutely work here as well.  Dress it up further for the office by switching to a wool blazer and trousers.


Florsheim Asset Monk with a tweed or flannel suit

Lucky you if you’ve got a flannel or tweed suit since they’re hard to find at an affordable price.  If not, try pairing that jcp tweed sportcoat with a pair of cords or jeans.  The heavier texture of the flannel or tweed plays well with the texture of the suede.  If you do have a suit with some texture, the Florsheims will dress it down for a fall night out without looking too stuffy.  Just make sure you’re headed somewhere that’s not too hot, because if you do, you’ll feel really damn stuffy even if you won’t look it.

Are you a believer in blue on blue?  Or is it too reminiscent of Denim Dan /the Canadian Tuxedo (remember that rule about textures and you won’t look like that).  Leave your take in the comments…


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