Oh how the mighty have fallen. In price.
It debuted half a year or so ago, and when it did, it racked up three and a half heads on the patent pending Muytjens-ometer. Somewhere between “pricey” and “ridiculous.” But the J. Crew Military Timex has done quite well for itself, and now with the extra 30% off sale items code WINTER, the Andros is now half a hundred less than the Military.
But it’s still over $100.
The bezel does function and you get a day and date window. Fits all them 18mm J. Crew watch straps.
Alternatives: Gruen’s GUAM1104 for $21
Assume you’re in the market for something similar. Maybe you actually are, but even if you’re not, pretend that you are. Ask yourself: What would you be willing to pay? Cast your vote and add any reasoning in the comments. Top Pic via Mr. Porter. The Extra 30% off sale items code WINTER expires 1/13.
What Would You Pay? J. Crew Timex Andros
Total Voters: 635
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Nordstrom Rack has new arrivals from the likes of Mont Blanc, Magnanni, and Bruno Magli.
Warm weather, cool weather, upcoming weddings, and watching the upcoming basketball tournaments. Plus an all…
Almost never on sale, and now getting that additional 15% off in your cart. Both…
Dress shirts. Dress shoes. Colorful chronographs. Warm weather sportcoats.
Spring shirts, Italian knit blazers, etc.