Mother’s the world ’round have for eons taught their children that if they “don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” More often than not, that’s good advice. But…
Holy Sh*t Tranquility. Holy Mother of F*ck.
Here’s the full effect, ready for you to visually absorb:
Again, discretion is the better part of, uh… valor… so instead of pointing out where some of us might stylistically disagree with the designer of this garment, let’s setup a hypothetical scenario:
You’re headed to a party at a friend’s house. Nothing too dressed up. There will be women there. Your friends will be there. And the deal is you have to show up, wearing this, and wear it for the entire evening without letting on that you’re being paid to wear it.
So? Pressure’s on… What’s your price??
Leave the financial compensation you’d demand in the comments section below.
Meanwhile, the solid, striped, and kinda busy striped/contrast placket Express Signature polos are on sale for under $20. Use the code 1449 for $25 off $75. Code 1454 should (should) get you $50 off $150 or $75 off $250, but that’s a boatload to spend.
Raincoats for spring. Basic but good belts with free shipping. And Bonobos bumps it up…
"I like turtles." (on swim trunks.)
In person with the under $70, retro-upper meets future-sole lifestyle sneaker.
A step up from the pajama pants you wore to those 9am western civ lectures...…
Breezy and lightweight. Sold as separates, and the blazers do great with chinos or jeans.…
For when the weather gets good, and stops being so (wait for it) BAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa-d.