12 weekdays, 12 gifts, not a partridge or pear tree amongst them. And no golden rings either. The goal is to keep these affordable (which is honestly, tough to define) but still interesting. At the very least these should be idea starters. Click here for the previous days.
There’s a current epidemic of floppy & flared out collars surrounding the necks of American Males. 95% of business casual worker-guys either don’t use stays (the stiff plastic pieces that come tucked in your shirt collar points) or they don’t care that most collar stays don’t do much to keep your collar vertical. A quick solution would be to wear a blazer, but sometimes that doesn’t even prevent your collar from going flaccid.
Getting (or giving) a sturdy metal pair of collar stays this holiday season is a wise choice. The weight of the stays will keep your collar straight, and a stiff breeze won’t send them flying.
Upgrading to the magnetic powered Wurkin Stiff Collar Stays virtually ensures your collar will be rock solid and upright all day long. A tiny magnet which you slide on the inside of your shirt connects to the stay tip and locks it in. The Exuvius multi tool stays are for theMacGyver
Just don’t come blaming me if you slip and fall face first on a patch of ice and go all Clint Malarchuck on yourself.
Sunday steal alert. Starts today and ends today at BR's more affordable step-down brand.
What are you going to wear? Sometimes it’s good to look at a few suggestions…
Plus fancy fabric flannels for all the bourgeoisie Al Borlands.
Significant savings. While they last. Which usually isn't very long.
Timepieces of all sorts, "sweet cheeks" in shorts, a couple blazers and a chair.
Thurs. Update: sizes are coming and going, seesawing between sold out and limited stock.